International Monetary Fund evaluates system of banking of Hong Kong of report Zhu raise

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :368
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Monetary Fund of governmental welcome international evaluates the macroscopical economy that reports Zhu raise Hong Kong is perfect and superintendency policy and Jiang Ren's dovish banking system * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * of * * * , be sure Hong Kong regards international finance as the center again, have system of dovish coriaceous banking, efficient macroscopical economy and cautious policy, and perfect compasses canal reachs superintendency frame.

Fund organization evaluates a plan to fall to make afore-mentioned conclusion are made after be being evaluated in the round to system of Hong Kong banking in financial system, be in " financial system stability evaluates a report " (report) in publish.

Fund organizes the macroscopical economy of Hong Kong of raise of the Zhu in reporting and cautious policy, answer current economy to put delay circumstance and the concussion that did not come to provide significant cushion for Hong Kong. In huge foreign exchange reserve support falls, the system of couplet Kui exchange rate of Hong Kong continues to bring support for financial stability. Hong Kong has the development of perfect compasses canal and industry of banking of support of superintendency policy framework, censorial the system framework Yi Hangzhi with superintendency systematization risk is effective. Fund organizes constituent severe pressure test to show, system of Hong Kong banking still maintains dovish Jiang Ren below extremely severe case.

The report is sure Hong Kong regards main international finance as central position, have the world to go up among them the financial line of business with a the biggest dimensions. The asset of system of Hong Kong bank is equivalent to this locality total output value making an appointment with 9.5 times, and be the main source ground of many profit that has bank of global system value and total assets. Hong Kong regards the whole world as asset and money management center, at management of two years assets specified number is equivalent to 10 times of this locality total output value, have the whole world at the same time one of the biggest stock exchanges, market prise amounts to 6.1 trillion dollar. The dimensions of life-insurance course of study of Hong Kong ranks global front row. Hong Kong also is the biggest foreign exchange inside Asian area is dropped period the market.

Finance manages director Chen Maobo expresses: " the position that organization of governmental welcome fund affirms to Hong Kong regards international finance as the center again. Fund organizes the openly opinion of pair of our banking systems, clear affirmative government is below firm policy, perfect system frame and support of market base construction, stabilize the long-term effort that make to safeguard finance. We can continue to consolidate core Geng farmlands, produce Hong Kong's distinct advantage adequately, develop new economy to increase a field, flourish for a long time in order to ensure Hong Kong's long-term competition ability is mixed. "

General affairs of finance and economics and Xu Zhengyu of director of library Wu bureau express: " the justice that we thank fund organization to undertake to system of Hong Kong banking and keep balance evaluate, the system that affirms us again is mixed soundly stable. We can maintain close cooperation with superintendency orgnaization, in order to maintain us dovish superintend a system with the finance of sex of the look up before providing, promote finance capital construction, in order to consolidate the position of center of our international banking. "

The government also welcomes what fund organizes to evaluate, the superintendency policy that confirms financial system is reliable and with when hand-in-hand. The report points out the banking of Hong Kong is superintended and compasses canal keeps dovish, insurance superintendency bureau (the bureau that keep watch) hold water to the plan that strengthened insurance is in charge of and be superintended. The report also is sure authorities is dedicated to strengthen and promoting finance capital construction for years, at the same time greeting authorities answers the effort that place of climate change risk makes, those who include a plan to be concerned with climate at be being carried out two years ago is mandatory financial exposure requirement, classifies catalog with green of applicable to both or all, and drive the pressure that has attaching most importance to a dot with climate for financial system to check.

Yu Weiwen of president of management board of Hong Kong banking expresses: " I welcome fund organization to continue to support system of couplet Kui exchange rate adamantinely to serve as the cornerstone that maintains Hong Kong money and financial stability. The assessment that fund organizes points out we are right the superintendency of banking and compasses canal keep dovish, think our macroscopical and cautious policy is maintained appropriate, Zhu raise we consolidate compasses canal is mixed continuously superintendency frame, be dedicated to increasing the job of respect of competition ability of industry of Hong Kong banking, really encouraging. "

Negotiable securities and Oudali of CEO of control commission of futures general affairs express: " report self-identity Hong Kong takes on the important role of an anthology endowment platform and global asset and money management center. I am very glad that fund organization is sure we promote compasses canal and form of inspect pipe rack, promote the effort that place of as closer as outback authority concerned cooperation makes. I also welcome fund organization to support us to implement measure, stabilize brought risk in order to answer climate change for finance. "

Zhang Yun of inspector general of administration of the bureau that keep watch is expressing: " after the bureau that keep watch began to be run independently two years in June oneself, be dedicated to strengthening the superintendency of the insurance company to Hong Kong and insurance intermediary person all the time. I am very glad that fund organizes the working achievement that agrees with us. We can be dedicated to future fulfil insurance group superintend frame zephyr danger to be this capital frame, strengthen cross a bound to be not coordinated, in order to handle the new venture that network security personnel and climate change place bring. "

The report points out, as two years of formulate " financial orgnaization (deal with mechanism) byelaw " (the 628th chapter) established deal with in the round mechanism, the crisis management framework of Hong Kong already got showinging promotion, maintain the stability of financial system further.

The report also points out Hong Kong has outstanding requirement, use its finance to serve the traditional advantage of the respect, develop financial science and technology. The report is sure industry of financial science and technology grows quickly, authorities also undertakes active role drives Hong Kong to become the key position of financial science and technology inside Asian area, and takes active and active means to promote finance innovates and popularize finance. The report also affirms Hong Kong washs money and terrorist capital to raise money in blow the respect built dovish system.

The report promoted dovish financial system to offer a proposal further. Government and finance superintend an orgnaization to be able to study carefully, implement relevant proposal appropriately by the circumstance.

Financial system evaluates a plan is fund organization the full-scale development that has to the financial system of economic system is evaluated, include to analyse financial system to bear canal of percussive ability, compasses and the qualitative element level of superintendency framework, and management and the ability that dissolve financial crisis. Hong Kong is limitted to be one of 47 economic system that have systematic value, must undertake financial system evaluates a plan below compulsive.

Fund organizes delegacy to visit Hong Kong at will arriving two years in September, mixed in Feburary at two years in March, superintend an orgnaization with the form on the net and governmental authorities, finance, and market participator undertakes discussion. After carrying out discussion of board of directors via fund organization on May 21 at two years, the report is passed.

The report can reach website of library Wu bureau from general affairs of finance and economics ( reach fund to organize a website ( download.

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