Harbor trades to fictitious asset accept is superintended

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :340
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Harbor trades to fictitious asset accept is superintended

Bit money one numerous add close money, although have in the name " money " two words, but all be regarded as illegal indent money in many countries, it is even want blow trade. And be in Hong Kong, golden canal bureau already reiterated to wait for bit money for many times add close money to regard as " fictitious commodity " , and rather than " legal money " footing, these add reason close money itself does not belong to golden canal bureau to superintend Geng to farmland, because add close money to go to a center changing,wait for character to also be superintended for finance nevertheless bring a challenge, be aimed at the different situation that add close money amplify and comes, at present bureau of canal of meeting, gold mixes card inspect the bureau that keep watch will be in charge of superintending by function.

Deal since last year superintend relevant trade

Hong Kong regards international finance as the center, superintendency orgnaization pays attention to protective investor interest relatively, accordingly to negotiable securities model add close money to have superintend a requirement more clearly, opposite to be not the negotiable securities superintendency policy that imposes close money less, hong Kong also was aimed at technically add close money to reach its relevant business has legislation, and active superintendency demand basically reflects the provision that makes in other law place, include to wash money instead, mix false instead fear financing waiting instead.

Card inspect meets those who be in charge of negotiable securities of superintendency Hong Kong and option market run, also be the main superintendency orgnaization that adds close money at the same time. Card inspect can antedate footing book already was published by 2019, offer negotiable securities fictitious asset or token to trade the platform of the service makes voluntary dealing system, the person that battalion of the platform that hold a card carries must be superintended by card inspect, the dealing condition that observes card inspect to meet, and card inspect is going the end of the year already gave out first fictitious asset to trade platform license plate.

And fall in voluntary dealing system, the person that also stipulate platform battalion carries can offer his to professional investor only service, must choose strictly can be in the fictitious asset of its platform buying and selling, and provide a service to the client that knows fictitious asset adequately only. Card inspect can explain, because fictitious asset trades,belong to rising market, category of more traditional capital is involved risk tall, concerned requirement can ensure investor gets proper safeguard, show can close censorial market grows again, inspect the adult rate of the market asks related postmortem again.

Xu Zhengyu of director of money library bureau is at the beginning of this month when attending legislative meeting meeting, disclosed the newest case that fictitious assets develops in this harbor. He discloses at that time, roll out by voluntary dealing system up to now, share 4 application to obtain card inspect to be able to be accepted formally, and card inspect is going the end of the year gives out first fictitious asset to trade platform license plate, be in postmortem is other application, show card inspect is met again and do not have with respect to upper limit of set of license plate amount.

(turn from " civil report " 2021-03-29)

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