Governmental plan moves tax rate of stock stamp tax on August

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :303
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Governmental plan moves tax rate of stock stamp tax on August

Finance budget proposal puts forward to move tax rate of stock stamp tax, general affairs of finance and economics and Xu Zhengyu of director of library Wu bureau express, stock stamp tax just considers the partial factor of business share cost, not afraid this action can bring about investor to invest harbor no longer. Governmental plan is concerned at was being carried out on August 1 adjust.


Xu Zhengyu says on the press conference now, although adjust tax rate of stock stamp tax, but the dividend duty that Hong Kong sets without foreign place, also do not have capital value added tax, do not think investor can turn and invest the stock of other market. He expresses, hard unitary tax more different market.


He thinks to there is different competition kind like stock and other product, investor can consider product type, include what sort differs inside the market to appear on the market company, add this harbor was carried out 2018 appear on the market after the system is reformed, large quantities of new economy companies come harbor appears on the market, change whole market structure, let appear on the market the company has broad resource of develop of very large space.


Xu Zhengyu points to, want to develop money market continuously only, include to be carried out continuously new put forward in proposal of budget of a finance a series of appearing on the market, the measure of respect of safe, fund, industry of Hong Kong banking grows prospect will very good.


He says, after governmental plan moves the proposal of tax rate of stock stamp tax through going up in legislative meeting, concern at was being carried out on August 1 adjust, target clarity, did not plan to change.

(turn from " network of news of Hong Kong government " on Feburary 25, 2021)

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