E of Lin Zheng month: License plate of the first batch of fictitious banks of Hong Kong will be in fi

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :366
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

On January 14 message, reach bureau of development of Hong Kong trade by government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (bureau of hair of Hong Kong trade) forum of sponsorred finance of the 12nd Asia exhibits a center to hold at conference of bay young Hong Kong now, the theme is: Build in all can not come with eutectic continuously.

E of Lin Zheng month attends Hong Kong commissioner and publish a speech, she expresses, hong Kong trades those who build a few fictitious banks mechanism, bank of Hong Kong this locality also will obtain license plate of the first batch of fictitious banks, be about to be in be born is carried out first quarter, will be promoted and arouse more poineering passion and value. In the meantime, bond of the first green is about to roll out, will the capital pool that prize arranges 100 billion HK dollar to control.

To Hong Kong, 2019 is one is full of a challenge one year, in two macrocosm the Sino-US trade friction between the largest economy put oneself in another's position and world each district take the effect that come. But Hong Kong can have more opportunities, is not more challenges. Hong Kong can use present foundation and policy advantage to change global challenge into his good luck, implementation is new round development.

In future, we can have more strengthen the communication between infrastructure, commerce, finance, personnel to get farther promotion further. Hong Kong government devotes oneself to to make a future that can develop continuously, can become the platform of green finance and green financing and key position, bond of the first green can be rolled out immediately, will the capital pool that prize arranges 100 billion HK dollar to control, promote the development of 3 times lever better. At the same time it also can promote finance urban competition ability better, promote the development of industry of financial science and technology.

In the meantime, hong Kong also trades those who build a few fictitious banks mechanism, bank of Hong Kong this locality also will obtain license plate of the first batch of fictitious banks, these can be in immediately be born is carried out first quarter, will be promoted and arouse more poineering passion and value.

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