Weigh a pound: Card inspect can move to punish severely appear on the market company information expo

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :327
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Card inspect meets: Punish severely appear on the market company information exposure violates act

Card inspect is met website message, next, card inspect is met will continue to increase what to appearing on the market company information announces illegal action to execute the law strength, make appear on the market company and large stockholder speak, do true Zhang, speak in time, firmly is defended " 4 bottom lines " , do not disclose false information, do not be engaged in inside trading, do not operate stock price, do not damage appear on the market company profit, homing of orgnaization of of all kinds intermediary is responsible, changes market modes of life and relation to their environment, promote hard appear on the market company quality, consolidate very hypostatic economy " basic dish " , to build a rule Geng , transparent, open, the vigor, capital market that has tenacity escorts the Emperor convoy.


Since this year, all sorts of penalty strength are increased apparently, and this news that meeting official net announced card inspect yesterday, also be change a few fundamentals to the system, without doubt, this is a progress.

To appearing on the market company, mentioned deviate advocate course of study, hype heat, the that add thick line plays " cross a boundary " , in suddenly turn hostile of the outstanding achievement in cycle of economic be issued to lower levels;

And emphasize emphasized large stockholder, tall canal, mention them a lot of in order to try with not not know the inside story, professional, be concealed to wait for reason to regard as " avoid duty shield " , these are trashy. And appear on the market company " alone big " phenomenon still relatively general, some companies " 3 meetings " exist in name only, in accusing to control person ignore a partner, actually small shareholder right, the correlation that passes the unjust allow that hide trades embezzlement appears on the market company profit, perhaps do not cooperate to fulfill information to disclose obligation, in encroaching, small shareholder know the inside story counterpoises. More typical is the Kang Dexin of early days.

Say in the file " 4 bottom lines " be the key that card inspect can superintend for certain later, false to exposure information, be engaged in inside trading, operate stock price, damage appear on the market of company profit, affirmation should was far from.

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