How to apply for license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance?

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :358
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

How to apply for license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance?

One. License plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance

Insurance broker points to the agent that regards guarantee slip as holder or holder of potential guarantee slip, be managed at Hong Kong or arrange the person of the business of insurance contract from Hong Kong, or the person that runs the business that offers an opinion with respect to insurance arrangements.
2. PIBA of license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance needs a requirement
It is sole proprietorship no matter, pool, still be limited company, can apply for to become the insurance broker that obtains authorization. Accredit can handle application to insurance inspect manage directly, or obtain through applying for to become the member that captures insurance to control admissive insurance broker group. The CEO of insurance broker and business delegate all also need to undertake registering.
The CEO reachs the nomination that business represents: Name of one of nomination of insurance broker beard CEO. This CEO must be proper person selected, the lowermost limit that must reach experience respect to accord with demonstrate of insurance supervisory place in the qualification sets. This person needs to handle the manager business of this insurance broker. Business delegate shows with respect to insurance matters concerned represents insurance broker to offer an opinion to guarantee slip holder or holder of potential guarantee slip, or the personage that be guarantee slip holder on behalf of this insurance broker or arranges insurance agreement from Hong Kong.
The lowest below insurance company byelaw asks (exemple of law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region the 41st chapter) insurance supervises the lowermost requirement that issued insurance broker, involve 5 aspects, had go into effect on March 1, 2010. The detail of relevant requirement can read here: Http:// qualification and experience should be sure broker or the CEO that nominate by insurance broker, must: (1) year full 21 years old or above; (2) is Hong Kong permanent resident, or Hong Kong dweller and clause of its job visa (like the person that have) without limitation he pursues insurance broker business; (3) is had at least in 5 education degree or the same educational level, and (the insurance qualification that 4) hold approves, have the experience of position of at least two years of insurance government. If do not have hold to approve insurance qualification, need the working experience that has insurance of at least 5 years, hold the position of administrative position two years among them; Additional beard adopts the relevant examination paper in qualificatory exam () of except of the person that obtain exempt. (Broker of illegal round insurance needs B) capital and net assets any time are sure in its the equipment in manager business keeps least Hongkong dollar 100, net value of asset of 000 yuan of lowest. Broker of law group insurance needs any time to keep least Hongkong dollar fully 100, 000 yuan lowermost asset net value reachs capital stock of pay enough money. When Zuo decides lowermost asset net value, do not include all intangible assets, and Zuo basis is calculated in the accounting principle with this accepted harbor. (Broker of insurance of insurance of countervail of C) professional cover must put guarantee slip of countervail of cover of one portion major fully, for any one Cishensuo reachs any one the insurance period of 12 months offers limitation of lowermost cover countervail. Limitation of lowermost cover countervail must be: 1) exceeds one to managing insurance Wu year insurance broker, double of the insurance broker gross income inside 12 months before the effective date of guarantee slip of professional cover countervail; Insufficient to managing insurance Wu one year insurance broker, double of the income of predicting insurance broker that guarantee slip of professional cover countervail covers 12 months inside date. 2) Hongkong dollar 3, 000, 000 yuan both with amount bigger person for , top fund specified amount is Hongkong dollar 75, 000, 000 yuan. (The money that D) puts broker of insurance of independent client account to need a client fully stocks one in separate client bank account. He must not use client money at concerning any other utility beyond client utility. (E) appropriate puts books for keeping accounts and accountant of items of an account and finance record to should have sufficient specification to trading fully, and the finance state of management business of place of broker of insurance of report of can true and fair land and trade. This record must put appropriate fully, so that have audit timelily. The record is needed with written means, those who carry broker is all trade detail, the income that all manager business brings reachs all pay that pay by insurance broker, all asset that record insurance broker in detail and indebted. This record must be saved not less than 7 years. Proper person selected asks insurance broker must accord with the requirement of proper person selected. He must be acted on highest sincere letter and integrity have business. He also must be below the circumstance that conflicts without the interest, offer independence and unbiased opinion. Discretion of insurance broker beard and responsible go understanding the requirement that reachs contented clientele, must ensure its employee is the proper person selected that carries out relevant job. He also must show the provision of insurance contract to the client, abide by all jobs and personal integrity how-to with regulations. Client interest must be put in the first place. Accordingly, insurance broker must not publish any materials that obtain from the client. Insurance broker must be offerred for the client appropriate reach truly about important data. Save a member to register basis insurance company byelaw the 69th the 3rd regulation, the enrollment that insurance broker must be in Hong Kong agency or main business spot saves one portion of its member register book, the information of the member of party of every insurance broker that records insurance to monitor a demand, need will register book let the public publicly inside normal office hours consult. Application of application form case can be sure to Hong Kong major broker association or couplet of adviser of Hong Kong insurance are met make. Accredit handles time to process accredit application, like one from submit application document to the time that promulgates in principle to approve to need 4 months.
3. How apply for or buy PIBA of license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance
Want hold Hong Kong there are two kinds of plans like one of PIBA of insurance broker license plate: 3.1. It is to pass association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major (PIBA) ;3.2 of application license plate. It is to buy the company of PIBA of license plate of broker of insurance of Hong Kong of one home hold to pass association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major directly (PIBA) flow of application license plate: 1.  Application company and nominated CEO beard accord with place of the bureau that keep watch to order decide " the lowermost limit regulation of insurance broker is how-to " . 2. Download and fill appropriate " application membership tabulation " reach press " file detailed account " , hand over place to require file and cost. 3.  Excuse me of association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major not the application of transaction file not proper gives one without exception go back. 4.  After fill appropriate to file form and handing in neat place to require file and cost, association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major can arrange nominated CEO to undertake interview in appropriate time and member panel. 5.  Association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major is finished responsible examine after judging a nucleus, can inform application of the result with electric mail or need the item of follow-up. Whole application process, above of 6 months when the likelihood needs. 6. If nominated CEO already was sure between hold other one,the CEO of broker company is registered, and company of two insurance broker has common shareholder or its partner is straight relative, should apply for to need along with the following file is handed over: (I) proves company of two insurance broker has the file of conjunction partner. (Ii) explains the reason that registers the CEO that becomes two companies at the same time. (Iii) the carbon of trustee bureau resolution of these two companies, make clear the CEO that accepts concerned person selected to be appointed to be these two companies at the same time. (The balance sheet that the company place that Iv) applicant is registering now weaves reachs account of profit and loss, inside two months before checking date to need to apply for to refer. (V) applicant shows the recommendation that the trustee of the company that registering signs and issue, content needs to include the applicant's post and working show.
Referral center of license plate of Ming Kangguo border (FUTURE WELL License Consulting Center) have the experience of license plate business that abounds for years, the application that can process relevant license plate for you or buy, more economic client's valuable time and energy, it is the faithful partner on your success road.
4. Apply for or buy license plate fare

I) . Assistance applies for license plate

My department is offerred for you one-stop service, can whole side side assists a company to apply for license plate:
1, assist a client to deal with trustee close compasses correct;
2, the commerce of compose plan of plan picture book, operation and join plan program;
3, equipment and compose application material;
4, compose washs money orders to reach instead turn over horror to organize financing byelaw, and the day-to-day operation plan of byelaw;
5, in applying for a process, be in charge of answering the question that the question that raises by superintendency branch raises.
6, if superintend an orgnaization to need us to provide table of the others article or relevant specification, we reach responsible compose refer.

II) .  Assistance buys license plate

My department asks according to the client, the platform with powerful oneself of have the aid of, those who search equal award:

1.  Pass the conduit resource with peculiar oneself, according to the client the requirement chooses the license plate company of equal award

2.  Undertake the checkup of early days to the company of mark, the company of firm bid is washing money, debt, code instead respect male is clean

3.  Help resource of client butt joint, arrange interview, the MOU that draft

4.  Assist a client to arrange a lawyer to undertake fulfilling his duty to investigate CDD, audit business accounting

5.  Assist the consultative SPA with client final equipment

6.  Assist a client to finish license plate to superintend a branch to examine and approve, cable equipment, changeover

Assist a client to have account of duty Wu, bank, register the change the name of owner in a register such as place

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