Abroad enthusiasm does not reduce illicit collect position look for " guide " to apply for demand

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :326
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Abroad enthusiasm does not reduce illicit collect position look for " guide " to apply for demand of 9 license plate of Hong Kong to soar


The near future, chinese fund signs up for reporter discovery, come this year the enthusiasm with abroad position of illicit collect fund has add without decrease, be in especially harbor go up greatly, the setting with exuberant demand of overseas assets configuration leaves the client, this kind of posture lasts hot, more and more illicit collect orgnaizations are passed obtain Hong Kong 9 license plate, issue the formal to set sail such as abroad fund.


But the problem that its backside cost, information, resource is consideration of illicit collect need, a few orgnaizations become illicit collect to go to sea " guide " , reduced illicit collect to give sea difficulty greatly. The personage inside course of study thinks, 9 license plate will make the mainstream way that collect of domestic large illicit goes to sea, but a lot of medium or small illicit collect is willing to cooperate with endowment canal orgnaization first more hair product " try water " . As investment climate change, market open, prospective illicit collect goes to sea will quicken.


Illicit collect goes to sea this year have add without decrease each passerby horse to leave in succession


Recently, beijing some is large quantify illicit collect general manager to express to the reporter, he is away on official business in south, intense prepare a maritime appropriate. "The client has strong investment demand. We just took below 9 license plate this year in January, preparing to deliver abroad fund, the collect of fund endowment, run overseas. The collect of fund endowment, run overseas..


Relevant statistic shows, the application amount of 9 asset management license tag of Hong Kong increased 2016 50% , among them a lot of applicants are fund of domestic illicit collect, for instance investment of rich be apt to, world sincere investment, gold? Asset, look the famous illicit collect such as capital all obtained license plate 2016. This kind of circumstance still is continueing this year, honour the illicit collect such as fine asset obtains 9 license plate first in the rate at the beginning of this year. They are delivering abroad fund in succession, fill neat business board piece.


In the meantime, illicit collect refers the overseas business, case that sends abroad fund with collaboration of endowment canal orgnaization this year quite hot also. "Our portfolio after the Spring Festival went up very quickly, the project of follow-up is in be born, predict end will be finished in succession at the beginning of 2 quarters first quarter this year. " Li Wei of endowment canal executive vice-president tells Hong Kong Dong Ying the reporter, canal of Dong Ying endowment developed flourishingly on illicit collect business last year, the autograph makes an appointment with 30 orgnaizations, had distributed many 20 product, and the orgnaization that consults overseas business exceeds 300, predict growth still is met this year very fast.


According to reporter understanding, the famous illicit collect such as asset of capital of future of China herd fund, an ancient name for China, vessel sharp edge already all distributed abroad fund. Beijing contain heart invests eaves of annals of general manager the Qin Dynasty to also express, begin to think get through is abroad from last year trade to , making politic research and development at present, may deliver a product this year, cooperate with the orgnaization that has endowment canal license plate.


This illicit collect that lifts two this years " give tide " , configure the development of fund of collect of trend, illicit to wait to have greatest connection with Chinese asset. Shanghai rich be apt to invests general manager to hold Lin Chengdong of investment chief inspector concurrently to analyse, after GDP of American average per capita exceeds 15 thousand dollar, 20 years certificate invests an abroad Yu GDP scale arrives by 2% promotion 27% , china has 4% only at present, trend of fortune configuration globalization just forms ﹔ on the other hand, domestic illicit collect develops in recent years rapid, cast grind water rises increasingly, go to sea the feelings place that becomes person of domestic illicit collect. In the meantime, of field of harbor stock market clinch a deal the forehead, 5 years foreign capital was contributed in the past 52% , but outback investor is returned to from Hong Kong when 1% 22% what increase to now.


Li Wei also thinks, development of globalization of fund of Chinese illicit collect accords with two trends, it is whole of industry of fund of domestic illicit collect development dimensions is changed, compasses Geng is changed, diversity of vitrification, demand, politic diversification, investment turns to abroad, globalization to become a kind inevitable, accord with illicit collect oneself to develop demand ﹔ after the 2 fortune that are compatriots accumulate certain water , the apiration that the globalization asset that presents configures is synchronous. "Client of a few high net value, because be in business,go a few years, course of study of investment, buy, study abroad etc, overseas has many capital heavy , but the investment product with cannot be found good, return rate is low also, a lot of capital did not get sufficient market is configured. They want to seek the group that has believed, just they contact domestic illicit collect more, communicate rise very convenient. Communicate rise very convenient..


9 cards become option of large illicit collect


tripartite orgnaization is done " guide "


Below the spring tide that go to sea, illicit collect people chose different way. Statistic of analyst of the conduct financial transactions on case, the mainstream means with illicit collect at present abroad layout includes: It is harbor, enlightened more convenient, but investment Geng surrounds finite ﹔ 2 it is to use QDII forehead to spend, need to pay particular channel fee, the forehead spends close spruce ﹔ 3 it is to be in Hong Kong to create a company, take 9 license plate, but need to expend material resources of much labor power, cost is bigger ﹔ 4 it is to buy Hong Kong to hold card company ﹔ 5 it is to pass abroad management person to issue, consider the identity in order to cast to participate in, have particular channel cost.


As we have learned, "9 license plate " it is inspect of Hong Kong Yu can be released those who carry out " Yu certificate and futures orders " bear license tag of qualification of compasses pipe business the 9th kind, namely asset management license tag. Domestic illicit collect takes this license plate to be meant obtain those who enter international capital market " current Yu " , can participate in the investment outside the condition directly already, still can attract abroad capital. "9 license plate do endowment pipe business, most the requirement that accords with illicit collect. The illicit collect orgnaization that applies for 9 license plate in recent years is increasing. " analyst of the conduct financial transactions on case expresses.


Rich be apt to invests Lin Chengdong to also think, since illicit collect chooses to go to sea, accept the superintendency environment of internationalization directly with respect to need. The international city no more than that at present the Asia suits to create pair of fund is Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo, among them Hong Kong scale is the largest, infrastructure form a complete set and financial internationalization talent are the most all ready also, be close to inland most considering Hong Kong, "We think in Hong Kong hold 9 asset manage card note to become collect of domestic large illicit to go to sea most mainstream means. "We think in Hong Kong hold 9 asset manage card note to become collect of domestic large illicit to go to sea most mainstream means..


But analyst of the conduct financial transactions on case tells a reporter, it is not easy that outback illicit collect wants to obtain 9 license plates. Inspect of Hong Kong Yu can set, application license plate needs 2 Hong Kong to hold card responsibility person, and the record of capital market outstanding achievement that person of the responsibility that hold a card needs to 3 is make public continuously to 5 years, wait through a series of strict exams and qualification test even. In the meantime, the enterprise also asks to there is real business address in Hong Kong, seasoned administrative group goes assisting operation firm to wait. " Yu inspect is met to license plate extend very strict, also have on time cannot charge a sex, according to report of collect of a few illicit, now the examination of 9 license plate difficulty is greater and greater, do not eliminate to will superintend a layer to deal henceforth the possibility that tighten up. Do not eliminate to will superintend a layer to deal henceforth the possibility that tighten up..


Controlling cost, " try water " below the consideration of overseas business, the collaboration of endowment canal orgnaization that many illicit collect also choose and has license plate marchs abroad, these orgnaizations often make illicit raise of abroad visit district " guide " .


Li Wei expresses, at present Hong Kong Dong Ying endowment canal is dedicated the support that doing systematization to fund domain, include to be offerred to illicit collect go to sea seek advice, solve ﹔ of information asymmetry problem to still have use overseas business experience, partner, side illicit collect is done bale service, economic cost ﹔ helps illicit collect establish project plan, timetable moreover, improve efficiency, capture market window, the lock decides investor. "Establish operation management, wind to accuse to wait from illicit collect product, introducing of the brand construction that still has illicit raise, capital, our platform can be done, had formed business closed circuit. Had formed business closed circuit..


Li Wei expresses, dong Ying endowment is in charge of the part that amid holds the position of to be made clear quite, can help illicit collect solve a few a Gordian knots, for instance the bank opens an account, Yu certificate opens an account etc, "When we help a partner establish fund framework, invest portion of person of advisory sub perhaps management as independence, put a framework inside, some banks ask to such capacity ability opens an account this year, we have long-term cooperation concern, go to the lavatory quite with bank contact with. Go to the lavatory quite with bank contact with..


Additional, li Wei thinks, illicit collect goes to sea those who need a consideration is very big one part is cost issue, on one hand superintendency cost of the whole world is raising, if be in Hong Kong, United States to deliver abroad fund independently, the dimensions talent that needs 10 thousand dollars of 5000~8000 planishs the manpower that on the other hand need of illicit collect itself throws operation expenses ﹔, material resources is greater also, hire of a lot of office of a sector of an area are expensive, and working language is English, still need to provide relevant qualified personnel. "Orgnaization of collect of a lot of illicit is willing to cooperate with us now, building initial stage of abroad fund business, study when cost is very high, common our experience and resource, reduce their risk and uncertainty. Reduce their risk and uncertainty..


Value development trend


"We contacted a lot of people last year, express very clearly, can begin the work that go to sea this year. This trend can be quickened. " personage of some endowment canal orgnaization represents south.


Lin Chengdong expresses, obtained 9 license plate last year in July, register leaving graceful issued whole world of Fu Shanji stone to quantify fund, run large half an year to manage dimensions steady growth, hold the abroad fund of card company and management to already completed bank of Hong Kong this locality at the same time use up tone, the product has begun to wear a sale on department of travel of partial bank illicit. "We will continue to strengthen 2017 in mixing endowment the collaboration of orgnaization of the finance that be stationed in harbor and abroad finance orgnaization, attracting an individual while Gao Jing is worth professional investor, introduce more orgnaization investor, from cast grind, the dimension such as operation, market is spent all-around upgrade, strive for pair of fund that Hong Kong this locality becomes to have certain dimensions and force inside 3 years to run a company. Strive for pair of fund that Hong Kong this locality becomes to have certain dimensions and force inside 3 years to run a company..


Lin Chengdong also thinks, as a result of appraise the value is surrounded in global Geng inside on the low side, harbor since this year strong rebound, prices goes force is apparently powerful at A. The US stock is in related Telangpu below the stimulation of policy achieve a history ceaselessly new tall, appraise is worth water also when the river rises the boat goes up too, be in historical perch. European market faces the tremendous uncertainty of Holand, France and German general election, walk out of shake Sheng prices up to now this year. Face the market is macroscopical 2017 phasic complicated and confusing, rich be apt to will make full use of on one hand in A the old and deep experience of politic to respect is accumulated, attention home invests good luck. Also will pay close attention to the other opportunity of Asia-Pacific market on the other hand, include harbor respect opportunity.


Qin Zhiyu expresses, came last year they consider to discover, although home market fluctuation is bigger, trade the opportunity is more, but trade there are a lot of restrictions on automation degree, lost last year especially base the agio in poor environment is very big, market neutral is politic hard old warehouse trade. Hope so can as early as possible get through is abroad trade to , for instance the rising stock market such as Hong Kong, East Asia makes market neutral strategy, it is OK to still have have the aid of is abroad the market trades secondhand A. "Home has collect of a lot of illicit to go to sea in the attempt now, most of core is to should have strategy, we are in at present burnish, wait for an opportunity to mature to be able to go to sea. Wait for an opportunity to mature to be able to go to sea..


(turn from people to achieve cast)

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