One year is lain between to extend again when hall of finance of Japan of heavy pound | increase li

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :296
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

One year is lain between to extend again when hall of finance of Japan of heavy pound | increase license tag of close money exchange

Management of Japanese finance office is superintended when increasing close money trade, bourse is Chongzhongzhi is weighed. The law that leafs through Japan to come on stage technically to add close money " law of capital close an account " , can discover cross half relevant content to be centered on the management to bourse among them. Japan carries out bourse to register at present make, if want to begin professional work to Japanese countryman, bourse must be registered to Japanese finance hall, and nucleus of this first instance is very severe exacting, make bourse license plate became Japan to increase close money trade the rarest the resource that lack.

From April 2017 " law of capital close an account " since be being carried out formally, 2017 annual, branch of Japanese finance office approved altogether to extend only 16 pieces of license plate, and after Coincheck was produced by pilfer incident in January 2018, did not extend even a piece of license plate 2018, there are 3 accurate exchanges before this (strange place finance and economics notes: The exchange of operation begins before April 2017, can carry temporarily after new law comes on stage battalion, but must undertake registered) take license plate very likely, among them Coincheck cry is highest. Bit money of everybody because by electric business tycoon carefree buy, very hopeful also, additionally 160 bourse queue up to register, short-term inside obtain license plate almost impossibly.

Strange place finance and economics ever will predict September, allow bourse Coincheck or take 2018 the first batch of license plate, although as a result of September the have things stolen of Zaif, license plate extends to put delay again, but on January 11, 2019, japanese finance hall extended formally to accurate bourse Coincheck license plate, coincheck became the 17th exchange of complete Japan that hold a card formally.

Coincheck is one of Japanese top bourse originally, but atttacked on January 26, 2018 by the hacker, the loss is close the new classics money of 500 million dollar, financial hall is stationed in an examination to undertaking entering instantly, give out 2 times to its " business improves a command " , the course is discussed cautiously, japanese finance hall thinks its had had perfect investor to protect system.

Japanese market flames of war is recrudescent

The data that released in April 2018 according to Japanese finance hall, japanese investment adds close currency strength to exceed 3.5 million, occupy Cryptocompare current data additionally, yen contrast is special of money clinch a deal the quantity achieves bit money to clinch a deal entirely 7% of the quantity, and regard important paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards as the passageway, contributed bit money to trade to paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards entirely the about 25 % of the quantity. Numerous bourse to Japanese market this one " fat " lick one's chaps, but Japanese finance office is very crucial to having license plate bourse, how did money ever get the warning of Japanese finance hall, be forced to get offline Japanese page, igneous money, Hitbtc in June 2018 also ever the service that intermit faces Japanese user.

2018, japanese bourse is sent by pilfer incident frequency, the financial hall with finite hand centers energy to undertake is stationed in investigating to having exchange, did not extend even a piece of license plate, right now, buy already bourse made the exclusive and feasible way that gets license plate. September 2018, igneous money already was bought its are wholy-ownedly through wholy-owned subsidiary Huobi Japan Holding Ltd the 100 % share of BitTrade of had exchange of Japanese number money. BitTrade held water 2016, hold Japan increases license tag of close money exchange. In May 2018 by Singapore entrepreneur Eric Cheng with 5.6 billion yen (add up to 50 million dollar) buy BitTrade100% share, will be bought by igneous money September, the time that buys twice this is relatively adjacent.

Japanese finance hall protects native market all along strictly, easy place of bright diplomacy having a state marchs successfully the precedent of Japanese market, after buying a success, igneous money or the abroad and large exchange that become the first to have Japanese bourse license plate, can begin Japanese professional work smoothly, this has very big profit to the globalization process of igneous money. Other and large overseas exchange never also abandons the contend to license plate, how money ever was opposite when Japanese flood day of contribution, obtain Japanese people extensive reputably, coinbase also announced to march in June Japanese market, begin to apply for license plate.

This second Coincheck obtains license plate formally, hall of be in harmony of watch tomorrow capital has restarted the examine and verify that increases close money license tag and extend, strange place finance and economics predicts, with the others two accurate bourse head, japan will extend this year license plate of exchange of close money of much Zhang Jia, the abroad tycoon such as Coinbase achieves the right of administration of Japanese market extremely likely also, japan adds the competition of close currency market to will grow in intensity undoubtedly, let our wait and see what happens.

(Turn from finance and economics of Hong Kong strange place)
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