Hong Kong finance the most top class profession also is the most arrogant profession - the person tha

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :358
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Hong Kong finance the most top class profession also is the most arrogant profession - the person that protect Jian

Face of Xuan of book of raise capital by floating shares appears maximum term " the person that protect Jian " , very much young associate asks flood the ox, new an analytic article is medium, the grade that gives the person that protect Jian " active / neuter / broken bits broken bits " be assorted one meaning? Generally speaking, 2-3 of past of the person that protect Jian year historical outstanding achievement, can serve as judgement new first days go up drop one of index of probability, protect Jian person to had been jumped over more actively normally, contrary, protect Jian person broken bits, new the probability of a broken hair of first days of expression is bigger, but this is not certain, new first days of performance is good with bad, impure also and a lot of other factor.

Say next support of the people that protect Jian first bear the distinction that sells business.

Does ☆ protect Jian support of the people bear is selling business dry assorted one respectively? Is profit pattern assorted one?

Simple for, the person that protect Jian basically is to do the job that protect Jian and appear on the market coach the job, can declare to card inspect etc;

Advocate bear selling business is responsible new issue and sell.

The person that protect Jian can be done advocate bear sell business, advocate bear sell business to also can be held the position of by the stockjobber besides the person that protect Jian.


Tell on firm sense, the person that protect Jian is to point to the orgnaization that protect Jian, namely stockjobber.

Person of the delegate that protect Jian is accreditation of the orgnaization that protect Jian the individual of the specific and responsible general affairs that protect Jian, be in charge of be in relevant sign on the archives that protect Jian,

New now a many when issueing have exclusive selling rights with remaining sum means, if be not issued,be over namely, the share that leave bear the certificate business that sells business wants him to buy,

But from issue the history to look, can issue basically, much can be overfulfiled, of course, no matter sell well, certificate business is responsible do those who fulfil his duty to investigate, and once card inspect can discover the false statement of publisher, certificate chamber of commerce is punished by severity, light fine, cancel its admittance qualification even again.

Bear selling business and the gain kind of the person that protect Jian basically is earn publisher issue charge, namely the emission of publisher charge was to give certificate trader for the most part with the person that protect Jian.

☆ appears on the market course of company collect fund

Before appearing on the market:

1. autograph invests a bank about, cast a clique to protect Jian person to coached in the past change control joint-stock company, coach 2 years probably

2. has relevant data can apply for to Chinese card inspect, meeting share issues card watch committee of examine and verify is in charge of examine and verify

3. card inspect can be approved

4. is issued, new explain buy. Cast travel is responsible bear annul, appear on the market namely the company sells the share cast row, cast a resell to give investor.

5. appears on the market trade. The person that protect Jian is coaching 2 years continuously even after appear on the market.

After appearing on the market:

Again the method of collect capital basically is: Match

Match hair travel mode and primitive a hair journey pattern is similar, want to seek investment bank, go examine and approve flow.

With appearance of a word, temporarily scene is infinite, temporarily scene no longer, this keeps Jian person namely.

The view that ☆ keeps Jian person is infinite

(later development " person of the delegate that protect Jian " , unified abbreviation " the person that protect Jian " )

This group is in the person that protect Jian at present China does not exceed 1500 people. Their in a sense is deciding a company whether appear on the market; They are a ready source of money in stockjobber eye, stand in food chain of whole capital market most upper reaches, take even certificate business him to do not have method sometimes, "Nice not easy gift grabs the person come " ; They are in capital market shifty... enter after 2010, the problem of this group begins again and again by exposure. A what kind of groups are they after all?

One professes " nibbed the head wants to cast row " some 4 big (accountant office) one of the personage is right casting the description of a brother: "Have the tie of 500 Geng Sai Zhe; Circle of 3 ground Zuo flies to Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen; BMW leaves in Shanghai -- go for a spin those who use; Ao Di leaves in Beijing -- use for the official; In tiger of Shenzhen open a way -- take a belle to be driven oneself swim. In tiger of Shenzhen open a way -- take a belle to be driven oneself swim..

Move controller of group of banking of border of Germany of Geng of head of renown finance hunt says, "The firewood of the person that protect Jian proposes a toast, divide composition by the following ministries commonly: The yearly salary that keep a copy + the person that protect Jian is subsidiary + turn membership due (if find new job) + sign cost + case contracts to do a job bear do divide into equal parts red.

In this a few parts, case bear the big head that became share out bonus to hold construction of fulfil of firewood of the person that protect Jian. Protecting Jian person yearly salary to increase allowance at present is commonly 1.2 million, 1.8 million yuan, add sign cost and case bonus, year income can maintain basically in 2 million, 3 million yuan water , the urban elite of a flock of one hundred percent.

There is pattern of fulfil of firewood of two kinds of people that protect Jian roughly inside course of study:

A kind: Basic firewood proposes a toast + share out bonus end of the year, with in gold, medium the large certificate business such as the letter is a delegate;

Another kind: Basic firewood proposes a toast + post is subsidiary + case deduct a percentage from a sum of money, with restful, country letter, wide hair is a delegate.

Certificate business protects Jian to be returned on behalf of the person for tarry " invention " " add signs cost " , be equivalent to entering person of the delegate that protect Jian newly to turn namely the one certainty ratio of membership due.

Person of a few delegates that protect Jian busies turn often meeting, do not make case for a long time, and few number protects Jian to be reduced even on behalf of the person sign machine, disloyal border participates in case. " disclose according to afore-mentioned personages. "Have more very person, busy move gains extra gains, have an eye to the main chance, resemble drug taking same, the look is addictive. " to keeping Jian person for, this kind of opportunity is too much and too much. "Wander at any time the brim in the interest. "Wander at any time the brim in the interest..

Although the person that protect Jian has high pay, still restrain the desire that sends big money hard however. canal is the industry goes regular, but because concealment, bad to discover, more not easy fish. Beijing certificate business studies ministry high level says, "Unless cross minute of resemble Li Shaowu to use his directly so,wife name becomes a shareholder, the very much person that protect Jian does not become a shareholder the case that oneself make, perhaps look for irrelevant person to sign secret agreement, do not have a law to check at all, unless because divide the spoils all is not informed against,be the colleague of acquaintanceship,come out. And this increase chain is very long, all intermediate interpose orgnaizations are participated in possibly because of interest issue among them. All intermediate interpose orgnaizations are participated in possibly because of interest issue among them..

To keeping a lot of problems of Jian person, certificate business is not not clear, a lot of moment are to open an eye to close a key point. "Good the person that grabs not easily cannot leave casually again. " " each are big now certificate business before advocate business of business Wu manager has had big improvement very hard again as commission big fight, because this is same important bear sell business nature to make a focal point. On the other hand, inside very long period of time, ' those who keep Jian person is rare be short of ' it is not changeable reality. " the personage inside course of study says.

Began system of executive the person that protect Jian to set 2004, negotiable securities of travel of company fair development and when appearing on the market, must recommend by the person protecting Jian that has the qualification that protect Jian, cast a data protecting Jian that submits card inspect to meet to need person of two delegates that protect Jian to sign at the same time commonly. "The amount of the person that protect Jian of most certificate business lays in an amount to be not worth at case relatively.

Relevant data shows, besides protected Jian to represent person institution first years 2004 percent of pass is made an appointment with 40% outside, after this, superintendency layer controls amount of the commissarial that protect Jian strictly, 2005, 2006, 2007, the referenced number 2008 is respectively 1549, 1900, 2300, 3514; And percent of pass is only respectively 9% , 5% , 10% with 18% . Have cast travel personage play to say, so low percent of pass, "It is difficult still to in be being entered than Geng , be lifted " .

According to statistic, 1300 people of Chinese person of the current and mutual delegate that protect Jian, 1564 people of person of certainly Jian delegate. Person of Jian of alleged for use has passed an exam namely, but have not gain competence of the person that protect Jian. Certainly Jian person wants formal promotion to be the person that protect Jian, still need to satisfy a requirement: The entrepreneur of anyone financing case is carried inside a year. Even if is the person that has gained competence of the person that protect Jian, two years in did not finish a negotiable securities to issue outside churchyard appear on the market case also will lose competence of the person that protect Jian.

From last year June IPO (issue a share publicly first) since restarting, each large certificate business bear sell income to jump, from this and come " big fight of undermine the foundation " nervous with each passing day also. Current, the person protecting Jian that approachs an in part is in centrally the country is letter, medium letter, wide hair, restful, sea is connected, action business, combination, medium gold, how letter, light is big in business of these 10 certificate. Card inspect meets an official ever said humorously: "In my impressional Xuan , every 4 protect Jian philtrum to one person jumps over groove. Every 4 protect Jian philtrum to one person jumps over groove..

One is not willing those who disclose a full name is medium or small certificate businessman vice president is helpless express: "Come over to dig the person that protect Jian from other orgnaization, we should turn to a huge sum of the person that protect Jian not only membership due, because turn,deal with even the lawsuit that can appear possibly. And when the person that protect Jian finds a place for after coming down, we should begin to prevent him to be dug by other orgnaization again. We should begin to prevent him to be dug by other orgnaization again..

Because at present home protects Jian,commissarial finds new job too frequent, a company still has done not have superintend and director to guide period, person of the delegate that protect Jian went another company early taking case. Such protecting Jian, cannot assure to protect Jian to represent a person to have thorough knowledge to what taking case at all, more do not talk to go up to supervise and help a company. "Home protects Jian to get unusual social status high on behalf of the person, be perfected stage by stage as what maintain Jian system and protect the mushroom that Jian counts on behalf of everybody, social status shrink is hasten of general trends place for certain. Social status shrink is hasten of general trends place for certain..

(Transmit knows oneself)

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