Insurance Authority releases provisional statistics of Hong Kong insurance industry in the first quarter of 2022

publish:2022-06-02 18:37:05   views :462
publish:2022-06-02 18:37:05  

31 May 2022

The Insurance Authority (IA) today (31 May 2022) released provisional statistics of the Hong Kong insurance industry for the first quarter of 2022, showing a mild increase of total gross premiums by 0.5% to $158.2 billion over the corresponding period in 2021.

(Percentage figures shown in brackets represent year-on-year changes)

Long term business

Total revenue premiums of in-force long term business were $138.9 billion in the first quarter of 2022 (decreased by 0.2%), mainly comprising $113.3 billion from Individual Life and Annuity (Non-Linked) business (increased by 0.1%), $7.9 billion from Individual Life and Annuity (Linked) business (decreased by 17%), as well as $15.8 billion from Retirement Scheme business (increased by 9.2%). Total amount of payment made to policy holders in terms of claims and benefits was $71.6 billion1 (decreased by 4.1%).

On the other hand, new office premiums (excluding Retirement Scheme business) of long term business were $42.4 billion (increased by 4.2%), made up of $37.7 billion from Individual Life and Annuity (Non-Linked) business (increased by 10.1%) and $4.6 billion from Linked business (decreased by 27.2%). Around 12,000 Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policies were issued, attracting $830 million in terms of premiums that represent about 2% of the total for individual businesses.

New business premiums derived from Mainland visitors were $345 million (increased by 235% against a low base of comparison in the first quarter of 2021), representing 0.8% of the total for individual businesses. Some 96% of the policies taken out by this group of customers were settled at regular intervals (i.e. non-single premium). Critical illness, medical and whole life insurance accounted for 31%, 31% and 28% of the policies respectively.

General business

In the first quarter of 2022, the gross and net premiums of general insurance business were $19.3 billion (increased by 5.8%) and $12 billion (increased by 0.1%) respectively, against which total gross claims payment was $7.2 billion (decreased by 0.9%). The overall underwriting profit rose sharply from $512 million to $1,063 million.

On direct business, the gross and net premiums were $14.2 billion (increased by 1.5%) and $9.6 billion (decreased by 1.1%) respectively. General Liability (comprising Employees’ Compensation) business and Pecuniary Loss (Others) business grew by 9.2% and 32.8% respectively, supported by rates hardening and new business, partly offset by reduction in Ships business and Motor Vehicles business of 4.5% and 4.9% respectively.

Direct business generated an overall underwriting profit of $965 million (increased by 144%), with the net claims incurred ratio falling from 59.3% to 54.5%, mainly caused by favourable outcome in Ships business and General Liability (comprising Employees’ Compensation) business. Despite this visible improvement, the underwriting profit of Accident & Health business narrowed from $211 million to $151 million, but still compares well with a loss of $58 million in the fourth quarter of 2021.

On reinsurance inward business, the gross and net premiums were $5.1 billion (increased by 20%) and $2.3 billion (increased by 5.5%) respectively. The increment of gross premiums was led by Ships business, Property Damage business and Accident & Health business, attributable again to rates hardening and new business. Nevertheless, the overall underwriting profit dropped from $117 million to $98 million, with the net claims incurred ratio edging up from 61.2% to 61.5%.

A summary of the provisional statistics is provided at Annex, and further details could be obtained at the IA website.



1  Including lapse/surrender benefits of $27.5 billion, other claims and benefits of $44.2 billion.

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