Internet Small Loan License

Internet microfinance business scope:

Generally, it is a small loan business (the specific business items shall be subject to the approval of the financial management department);

(for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)


License value:

1. Market quotation: judging from the market data, Internet small loan has become the new favorite.

2. Policy encouragement: active regions such as guangzhou and chongqing have successively issued relevant documents to encourage and support competent enterprises to develop Internet small loan, creating a good policy environment for listed companies to set up Internet small loan.

3. Regional relaxation: online small loan has broken the regional restrictions of traditional small loan.Internet small loan can conduct business across the country through the Internet, and has the nature of lending, which is the cost-effective license in the current Internet finance license.

4. Financing channels: the financing channels are wide, which can be obtained from Banks, small amount re-loan companies and other institutions.


Application requirements:

I. main sponsor (the largest shareholder or single one sponsor)

1. The duration is more than 3 years, and the credit is good in all departments;

2. The net assets at the end of last year are more than twice the proposed capital contribution, and the asset-liability ratio is no higher than 65%;

3. Make profits for three consecutive fiscal years, with a net profit of more than 50 million yuan, and the balance of equity investment does not exceed 50% of net assets;

4. It is an Internet enterprise with strong strength, characteristics, brand and big data foundation in China (or an industry leader or listed company with strength foundation and Internet platform and big data foundation).

U2207, 22/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, H.K
+852 67643919
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