Software Copyright License

Certification category - software copyright


"Game operation" industry can enter the special page of game operation license through the following shortcut entrance

1. Network culture operation license -- literature and literature

2. Value-added telecom business operation license - Internet information service

3. Game content review by ministry of culture - game filing

4. Game plate number - game publication number



Copyright registration certificate - comprehensive overview


Approval authority: national copyright administration

Approval time: 30 working days

Annual inspection requirements: no annual inspection

Term of validity: lifetime validity (the copyright expires after the death of the natural person for 50 years)

Scope of rights and interests: personal right, property right, right of proximity;

Personal rights (right of publication, right of authorship, right of modification, right of protection of integrity of works);

Property rights (reproduction right, distribution right, rental right, exhibition right, performance right, projection right, broadcasting right, information network communication right, shooting right, adaptation right, translation right, compilation right, follow-up right and other rights that should be enjoyed by copyright owners);

Right of adjacency (right of publisher, right of performer, right of recorder, right of player);

Principle of attribution: cooperative works, compilation works, commissioned works, audio-visual works, professional works, computer software;



Copyright registration certificate - application materials


1. Identity certificate of natural person, legal person or other organization;

2. White book cover (user manual) and source code (30 pages before and after) of software products;

3. If there is a written contract or project task statement of copyright ownership, the contract or project task statement shall be submitted;

4. Software developed on top of the original software with the permission of the original software copyright owner shall be certified by the xu of the original owner;

5. If the applicant is the heir, assignee or heir, relevant certificates of inheritance, transfer and inheritance shall be submitted;



Copyright registration certificate - processing cycle


1. Technical scheme (application form, material arrangement, examination and selection, submission and communication, examination and approval)

2, industrial and commercial registration (can help enterprises provide registered address, capital verification report, etc.)

3. Website related (can help enterprises to complete domain name purchase, server renting, website development, domain name filing, etc.)

4. Enterprise rental and sale (can help enterprises to complete leasing, affiliation, transfer, acquisition, etc.)



Copyright registration certificate - cooperation process


1. Guidance and rectification of materials

2. Signed the contract and planned the process cycle

3. Down payment and project application submission

4. Balance payment, handover of project results

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