Inspect of Hong Kong card can be published " 2020-21 annals "

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :333
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Card inspect can be published " 2020-21 annals "

On June 30, 2021

Negotiable securities and control commission of futures general affairs (card inspect is met) publish today " 2020-21 annals " , the key that Liebenhui holds in the center works, in order to maintain the position that Hong Kong regards banner international finance as the center, reach the whole that maintains financial system clean-fingered and dovish.

Face epidemic situation of virus of new-style coronal shape to bring unprecedented challenge, type of the buy before card inspect can continue to be carried out actively superintends guiding principle, reach action of intermediary person improper in order to strike a company false. This meeting Yi Yuxiang harbor alarm Wu place collaboration is hit " sing tall bulk cargo " wait for the fraud on the net, reach raise the public to be opposite the alertness of these fraud (note 1) .

Card inspect already also can strengthen censorial personal integrity and battalion motion venture, and more frequency undertakes pressure checks closely, resist with evaluating the orgnaization that hold a card the ability of financial risk. Card inspect is met already because answer market is broad the license plate that avoids 2021-22 financial year year cost.

Card inspect meets chairman Mr Lei Tianliang express: "The core mission of this meeting depends on enhancing the competition ability of Hong Kong, ensure market fairness is run in order at the same time, your investor is held in the arms to this harbor market hold dye-in-the-wood hope. Stock market trades the success that interconnection each other knows UniCom of mechanism etc market to plan, highlight Hong Kong to be in the China of boom and world in capital of stimulative whole world between other area current, acting unique role; And this part can be in only prospective day more body is main. And this part can be in only prospective day more body is main..

Card inspect meets CEO Mr Oudali (Mr Ashley Alder) express: "Want to achieve the goal of this meeting in the environment that is full of a challenge, we must maintain agile flexible, be in order of hour equipment, so that adjust the work way of this meeting and working key. However, hong Kong superintends basic and idiosyncratic constant of the system, no less than we always grasp clean-fingered and independence of held ─ of core value ─ , dovish reach accept the public to ask duty ─ ─ never is changed. No less than we always grasp clean-fingered and independence of held ─ of core value ─ , dovish reach accept the public to ask duty ─ ─ never is changed..

Can last as what drive Hong Kong of financial agenda important one pace, card inspect can be initiated hold water green and can last finance crosses orgnaization superintend and director to guide group (note 2) , so that coordinate the climate of financial industry and measure of environmental risk management,reach supportive government more overall climate is politic.

Inside year, card inspect can be the position that consolidates Hong Kong regards asset and money management as the hub, took multinomial step, include all investment restriction that cancel brings to bear on to fund of private and open mode company, and roll out a plan aid financially open mode fund company to hold water reach estate to invest the fund that believe Yin to appear on the market.

The other job key that card inspect meets includes to trade to fictitious asset of a Hong Kong platform is approved give first license plate (note 3) , and let industry preview WINGS of the platform on the net that refers an electron to form reachs a data and be established (note 4) multinomial add dealing function newly, jie thinks this year later the dealing program that time implements overall number to change makes good have.

Inside year (note 5) main data includes:

  • The orgnaization that hold a card and personage and the number that register an orgnaization are added to 47, 178, the amount that holds card orgnaization among them rises to 3, 159
  • Approbated 188 collective to invest plan and 146 blame to appear on the market product of structural sex investment makes public put on sale
  • Check and approve appear on the market 257 times application, reach supervise 469 with buy concern trade
  • Basis " negotiable securities and futures (appear on the market in security market) regular " exercise influence, appear on the market to the applicant demands a data directly or convey attention to 27
  • Made 304 times be with the risk to intermediary orgnaization this the spot inspects, discovered from which 1, 350 disobey a table with card can regular inspect
  • Have censorial activity to the market, then is made to intermediary orgnaization 8, 748 are asked for trade the requirement that reachs account record
  • Mix to 18 companies with respect to behavior of intermediary person improper 13 personages make disciplinary treatment, be in close in order to fine in all 2.81 billion yuan

Thunder of annals along with adds fine gentleman and Mr Oudali to publish < if the chairman reachs a CEO > short, already went up carry meet to card inspect website.

Be over


  1. "Sing tall bulk cargo " fraud is one kind operates the gimmick of stock market, in the center blackleg pushs the price of some stock artificially tall, the investor that uses self-righting of gregarious media prevail on to have bluff somebody into giving information is bought with high price, next buy goes out or this stock covers usu. in anticipation of or in order to bring about a fall in price benefit, share price of as a result drops greatly.
  2. Superintend and director guides the group amounts to ceremony gentleman and president of management board of Hong Kong banking Mr Yu Weiwen to hold the position of couplet seat chairman by Europe, the member includes general affairs of finance and economics and library Wu bureau, environment bureau, Hong Kong to trade reach settle accounts all bounds company, insurance superintendency bureau and mandatory the delegate of management board of accumulation fund plan.
  3. This platform provides a service for professional investor only.
  4. WINGS is the abbreviate of Web-based INteGrated Service, meaning namely on the net integrated service.
  5. This report covers during by come since April 1, 2020 stopped on March 31, 2021.

Newer finally date on June 30, 2021

(Turn from inspect of Hong Kong card message of meeting government website)

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