Golden canal bureau is held add up to seminar of admiral of compasses science and technology

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :380
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Golden canal bureau is held add up to seminar of admiral of compasses science and technology - " Unlocking The Power Of Regtech "

Management board of Hong Kong banking (golden canal bureau) add up to seminar of admiral of compasses science and technology " Unlocking The Power Of Regtech " now (on June 30, 2021) hold successfully. It is the seminar on second line has 4, many 000 public figure that has strong interest to combining compasses science and technology is participated in.

Gold is in charge of bureau president Mr Yu Weiwen to express: " combining compasses science and technology is to advance golden canal bureau " financial science and technology 2025 " politic crucial element. Our target is to drive Hong Kong to become development to combine compasses science and technology plan and breed close compasses main hub of the skilled personnel. "

The seminar gathers together global each district joins group of ecology of compasses science and technology, include financial orgnaization, superintendency orgnaization and the senior administrator that add up to supplier of compasses science and technology, with etc industry expert, share on the meeting about combine compasses science and technology the experience of huge potential and result.

When gold is in charge of bureau vice president Mr Ruan Guoheng to make summary for the seminar, share the focal point that gains from inside speech of other honored guest, include:

  • The deepness confluence aspect that assistant president of Chinese people bank Mr Fan Yifei emphasizes adding up to compasses science and technology to serve in technology of stimulative number economy and finance produces main effect, promote finance the capability of Hui Minli look forward to thereby.
  • Is hub of innovation of Bank for International Settlements in charge of Beno? T C? Ur Mr é emphasizes central bank wanting clingy bank to use the plan of science and technology, how can overcome to use the main obstacle to table a proposal that combines compasses science and technology with respect to central bank and bank (3Ts) , science and technology (Technology) , groom (Training) with transition (Transformation) .
  • Bank of Yinglun bank international superintends executive trustee Mr David Bailey to point out, data is used to it is very important to combine compasses science and technology, share him how to promote data to pledge element is reached to the bank rule, and the experience that builds the client reliance to the bank.
  • Presiding apparitor Ms. Jane Fraser emphasizes beautiful flag group carry must have appropriate risk management to cooperate with new science and technology, point out " sandbox " promoting add up to development of plan of compasses science and technology newly to act important role.
  • Banquet of couplet of Chinese restful group is presiding apparitor Ms. Chen Xinying thinks, the collaboration of the person that hold a share differs inside ecology group, the gap that close to pulling bank may face in level of science and technology, talent and skill respect is crucial.

Golden canal bureau also is announced on the seminar " round-the-world add up to challenge of compasses science and technology " superior plan, concerned result carries at accessory.

Golden canal bureau is released at the same time now head period " add up to of compasses science and technology to use an index " (have only English version) , this index is the combines of compasses science and technology to use a case comprehensive analysis according to Hong Kong banking makes up Xuan . Of 56% suffer those who visit a bank to publish in golden canal bureau " be apt to uses join force of compasses science and technology: Change risk management and close compasses " white paper (have only English version) at least two in 6 when limit superintendency themes are used combine compasses science and technology. Head period " add up to of compasses science and technology to use an index " major bank of result report Hong Kong already set foot on to use those who combine compasses science and technology is itinerary, add up to zoology of compasses science and technology to encircle the progress with enormous presence and cooperative opportunity at the same time.

Golden canal bureau can is seminar and " round-the-world add up to challenge of compasses science and technology " on taking successful base, continue to drive Hong Kong banking to use combine compasses science and technology. No less than plans two years what to carry in what announced in November 2020, golden canal bureau will roll out sequence activity and measure in the coming year, include to release " add up to of compasses science and technology to use solid Wu how-to " series, establish add up to framework of skill of compasses science and technology, and hold water " add up to platform of information of compasses science and technology " .

Management board of Hong Kong banking

On June 30, 2021

(turn from website of government of management board of Hong Kong banking)

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