Insurance superintendency bureau is announced 2020 Hong Kong insurance temporarily statistical number

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :330
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Insurance superintendency bureau is announced 2020 Hong Kong insurance temporarily statistical number

On March 12, 2021

Insurance superintendency bureau (the bureau that keep watch) today (on March 12, 2021) announce 2020 of Hong Kong insurance temporarily statistical number, period inside amount of wool insurance cost achieves $6, 8.4 billion, relatively the corresponding period grew 4.9% last year.

(the per cent inside later development bracket is change with what number of the corresponding period compared last year)

Long-term business

The insurance cost gross income of significant 2020 long-term business is $5, 48.1 billion (rise 4.5% ) : Basically include individual person life and pension ( Zuo of blame investment photograph) business, income of its insurance cost is $4, 63.9 billion (rise 1.5% ) ; Individual person life and annuity (investment photograph Zuo ) business, income of its insurance cost is $277 100 million (rise 0.1% ) ; And emeritus plan business, its are $507 for the paragraph 100 million (rise 50.3% ) .

On the other hand, period inside long-term business (do not include emeritus plan business) build guarantee slip insurance cost newly to be $1, 33.4 billion (drop 22.8% ) : The blame investment that basically includes individual person life and pension is linked together business, its build guarantee slip insurance cost newly to be $1, 20.2 billion (drop 25% ) ; And investment is linked together business, its build guarantee slip insurance cost newly to be $128 100 million (rise 8.8% ) . Insurance company was given out in all 2020 about 64, guarantee slip of annuity of delay of 000 joint-stock case brings $45 100 million make guarantee slip insurance cost newly, amount of individual business 3.4% .

Limitation crosses measure of place stream of people to last, bring about 2020 of outback caller build guarantee slip insurance cost newly to come from the 100 million systole of $434 2019 the $68 2020 100 million (drop 84.3% ) , amount of individual business 5.1% . This client group group in casting the guarantee slip that protect, make an appointment with 98% pay in order to be not full credit formula (be not brushstroke to pay too namely) , and danger of danger disease, lifelong birthday and medical treatment insurance part the portion of these guarantee slip is 48% , 36% with 8% .

General business

2020, the wool insurance cost of general insurance business is $603 100 million (rise 8.3% ) , net insurance cost is $409 100 million (rise 8.7% ) . Profit of integral accept insurance is driven by direct business, by $11 100 million further improvement come $22 100 million.

Direct business side, wool insurance cost and net insurance cost are $444 respectively 100 million (rise 4.7% ) reach $313 100 million (rise 6.2% ) . Accident and healthy business glide 5.8% , collection of business of cure of its doctor of traditional Chinese medicine gets the slight growth of 2.4% , be not medical treatment business criterion because outside swim activity still suffocate suffocate and urgent defeat 43.3% . Indebted at mortgaging insurance plan upper limit of property floor price rises, the wool insurance cost of monetary loss business rises urgently continuously 88.4% . Business of common law responsibility (the member that include compensates business) stability grows 7.9% , the raise on car business 4% .

The accept insurance profit of direct business is $17 100 million (rise 95.5% ) . Reach $9.73 of healthy business accidentally among them 100 million (rise 218.4% ) , member compensation business also by deficit $1.69 100 million turn round to gain $3.91 100 million, however during this ideal expression basically comes from ill epidemic situation of virus of 2019 coronals shape, Shen Suo decreases. Nevertheless, deficit of car business accept insurance by $4.04 100 million close narrow to $2.41 100 million, it is openly development.

Enter reinsurance business as to cent, the attune on rate reachs the insurance cost that gets property damage business to build guarantee slip place newly to drive, wool insurance cost and net insurance cost are added respectively to $159 100 million (rise 20% ) reach $96 100 million (rise 17.8% ) . Accept insurance profit by $2.83 100 million add to $5.82 100 million, basically come from common law responsibility, shipping and freight business, the part is damaged by belongings the profit of business reduces a countervail.

Temporarily statistical number summary carries at accessory, detailed number but at protecting inspect bureau website ( download.

Be over

(turn from Hong Kong insurance to superintend bureau 12/3/2021 press release)

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