Hong Kong changes tripartite of license plate MSO and Hong Kong to pay license plate SVF distinction

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :361
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Hong Kong changes tripartite of license plate MSO and Hong Kong to pay license plate SVF distinction deepness is analytic


A lot of people think it is OK to take Hong Kong to change license plate of license plate MSO by accident tripartite is begun to pay professional work in Hong Kong or purse business, off base. MSO just changes license plate: Supportive cash is changed turn with the network Zhang, do not have tripartite of domestic to pay the function of license plate however. Like if need to apply for to follow tripartite of domestic,paying license tag more can license plate, need considers SVF, namely store the value pays a tool license tag. Difficulty of application SVF license plate is greater than applying for the difficulty of MSO license plate very much.


Above all. Does the introduction issue photograph of Hong Kong license plate to close data: ? Archives of favour of attentively of Qiao Mai quail ⒅ of  of Zheng of steel of collection of charm of ㄒ of Pu Zhan  touchs general of Yin of Ц beans ぞ to blink ⊿ VF) , license plate of monetary service operator (MSO) Piao lends money person license plate (MLO) , bank license plate, fictitious bank license plate, insurance license plate, .


Next Zuo will introduce two kinds of license plate in detail: SVF license plate and MSO license plate.


One. Store the value pays a tool license tag (SVF)

On November 13, 2015, government of Hong Kong special zone came on stage " pay a system to reach store the value pays toolbar exemple " , this byelaw is carried out store the value pays a tool to deal system and appoint retail pay a system the institution. Management board of banking of Hong Kong of authority of this byelaw ode (golden canal bureau) deal in Hong Kong grant store the value pays a tool and monitor its battalion use, and appoint and superintend retail pay a system. This byelaw sets a year to transfer period, come to ended on November 12, 2016.


(1) definition

Store the value pays a tool (abbreviation SVF, stored Value Facilities) points to entity commonly (for example store the value gets stuck) or electron (for example electronic purse) have store the disbursement that is worth a function product kimono Wu, can serve as pay commodity and service or each capital to turn the means of Zhang. Among them, only use SVF is in charge of by this byelaw compasses. For example, by some chain cafes is given out, can be used at buying this to interlink Wu of inn product kimono only pay card to need not apply for SVF licence.


Store the value pays tool cent to be 4 kinds:


(A) only use SVF, the commodity that can be used at buying publisher to offer only and service.

(B) multipurpose SVF, can use at purchasing all sorts of commodity and service, or pay to another person.

(C) the SVF that is based on a network, the value memory disbursement in publisher in the system.

(D) the SVF that is based on blame network, value physics memory is in SVF.


Origin: Public data is arranged


Real name is made reach store value upper limit

Real name makes: Real name is made is main demand, but also can obtain exempt real name to make, it is store value specified number 3000 yuan or the following hypostatic card need not real name is registered; 2 it is not to have function full a cost, store value specified number 8000 yuan or the following network account need not real name is registered, and can charge a cost store whether does value account need real name to make, inspect account to fill value specified number to reach trade every year amount and calm.

Store value upper limit: The substance of not real name store the value pays a tool store value upper limit is 3000 HK dollar (about 2660 RMBs) . Fictitious store the value pays a tool to inspect license plate clause and the upper limit amount with different set. The business quality that considers applicant is different, golden canal bureau won't with " one knife is cut " means delimit limitation, the applicant can trade according to associate with record to table a proposal, but amount is higher, golden canal bureau is taller also to the washs the wind such as money to accuse measure instead requirement of this orgnaization. If concern store be worth those who pay a tool to trade Geng is surrounded be confined to Hong Kong this locality, corresponding superintendency demand is lower, but if involve,cross condition pay wait for a function, the demand can rise. For example, pay the client that treasure real name makes to be in Hong Kong store value upper limit is 100 thousand HK dollar, and daily upper limit full a cost is 5000 HK dollar.

(3) application qualification

According to orders provision, application qualification is as follows:


(A) major servicing: Major servicing must be issued to issue or be promoted store the value pays a tool.


(B) capital requirement: Lowermost capital asks not less than 25 million HK dollar () of about 22.06 million RMB.


(C) this locality registers: Hypostatic agency must establish in Hong Kong, register Hong Kong company namely. Registering what Hong Kong company points to is in Hong Kong special zone Geng is surrounded inside registered limited company or infinite company. General and abroad personage is registered to Hong Kong is limited company mostly, this kind of limited company belongs to hypostatic company, is not off shore company or empty shell company. According to the convention, hong Kong limited company registers capital to answer not less than 10 thousand Hongkong dollar.


(D) proper person selected: Every CEO of the applicant, trustee or person controlling right, all must be " proper person selected " . "Proper person selected " the element of main consideration has reputation, character and morals, experience, ability, have without illegal record, whether to remove go bankrupt etc.


The applicant still must refer independence to evaluate a report to golden canal bureau, content includes 6 Geng to farmland: (A) the enterprise is ruled reach risk management; (B) store be worth amount management; (C) blow washs money and terrorist capital to raise money (AML/CFT) system; (D) management of risk of science and technology; (E) pay security personnel government; (F) business runs government continuously. Golden canal bureau is likely takes the spot and blame spot to examine, evaluate independently, inspect report and wait for means compasses to provide the person that hold a card with meeting of layer of government of the person that hold a card.


Below active regulation, store the person holding a card that the value pays a tool still can offer remittance and money to change a service, but can serve as accessary business or accessary business only, right now SVF holds card person not to need custom of frontal extroversion Hong Kong to apply for money to serve operator license plate, superintend jackknife in order to avoid.

(4) license plate cost

The license plate fee that the capture of beard of the person that hold a card that is not a bank pays is one hundred and thirteen thousand and twenty HK dollar / year.


(5) win company of hair license plate

The first batch: In August 2016, hong Kong extends first SVF license plate, first 5 obtain company of hair license plate to include what A Xuan Ba Baqi falls to pay company of treasure Hong Kong, small letter, the HKT Payment below banner of Hong Kong telecommunications, TNG(Asia)Limited and 8 amount to the limited company that open check. First acquisition of license plate is Hong Kong mainland is done store the enterprise with the longer business that be worth card, small letter and paid treasure to also had begun longer professional work in Hong Kong.


The 2nd batch: In November 2016, bureau of canal of Hong Kong gold extends license plate of the 2nd batch of SVF, obtain deal 8 companies include PayPal Hong Kong, 33 finance to be connected easily service, quickly, easy ticket couplet pays technical company, live abroad to amount to international, collect (Hong Kong) investment to seek advice, Optal Asia and UniCard Solution.


Up to now, bureau of canal of Hong Kong gold gives out license plate of 16 pieces of SVF in all. Notable is, basis " banking regulations " , the bank is inspected already obtained accredit to issue multipurpose store the value gets stuck, namely the bank becomes SVF automatically to hold card person, obtain the orgnaization that sends bank license plate in the future, will obtain hair SVF license plate at the same time. Share run of 3 banks that hold a card to carry at present the SVF of imprest card form.


(6) operation data

According to the file that bureau of canal of Hong Kong gold releases, the operation Geng of the orgnaization that hold a card is surrounded include I) pay on the line, flow of Ii) point of sales pays, iii) P2P turns Zhang, iv) substance blocks 4 sides. Current, small letter pays and pay treasure to surround a bag in the operation Geng of harbor pay on vinculum, flow of point of sales pays, P2P turns Zhang 3.

License plate 2: The money changes license plate MSO

Hong Kong money serves operator license plate (MSO) business
Hong Kong money serves operator license plate to also call Hong Kong custom license plate, it is by Hong Kong custom total arrange money serves basis of inspect science department 2012 of protocol " blow washs money and capital to raise money (financial orgnaization) byelaw draft " make what issue add up to compasses license plate, "Operator " be the individual that shows in harbor management money changes a service or remittance serves or (enterprise) orgnaization. This one license plate and its legislation gift the superintendency with superintendency proper orgnaization and execute the law influence and make about punish criterion, as improvement, strengthen apply to financial orgnaization to attack the system that wash money, make conform with of mark of international all one, come to consolidating Hong Kong serves as position of international banking center to have for main effect.
Monetary service is to show the money is changed serve or remittance serves.
The money changes a service (Money Changing Service) is to show the money that manages as business in Hong Kong changes a service, but do not include accessary this service at major servicing, the retail business that accepts foreign currency in trade for example or manage so by the person that manages a hotel, the service that accords with the following specification,
(A) should serve to be managed in the location of this hotel, basically enter the client of this hotel to go to the lavatory; Reach
(B) includes this person to be made with HK dollar money only change purchase those who be not HK dollar money to trade.
Remittance serves (Remittance Service) points to what manage as business in Hong Kong, offer the following one to plant or over one is planted trading service,
(A) sends money toward Hong Kong money or arrangement beyond place;
(B) from Hong Kong beyond place or arrangement from Hong Kong with money of nonlocal square collection;
(C) arrangement is beyond Hong Kong local collection money.
Money of 2.2 Hong Kong serves operator license plate (MSO) need condition
Money of application Hong Kong serves condition of operator license plate to be as follows:
Above all if dweller of client dispute Hong Kong must register Hong Kong company first;
One, proper person selected:
Applicant (or its any copartner / trustee / have a person finally) can be decided by Hong Kong custom when application whether to have the crime that ever was committed by the ruling, or whether be to was not obtained remove go bankrupt go bankrupt person, the guilt that holds and the provision that carry at accessory 1 in. Neither is when ability is OK;
2, management address:
1, the management address that need registers:
Needing the management address that register is in order to pointing to management money changes a service or one is under the address of remittance service some in order to is managed Money serves the example of the specific address of business:
(I) , this address uses the address that makes management money service;
(Ii) , this address is publicized (include to show shop sign) the place that interviews a client to use as;
(Iii) , the control that this address often is held card person, for example with owner or the identity of tenement.
If the word of specific address must accord with: Specific address can let custom personnel enter, in order to implement the provision of byelaw.
If apply for involved address to belong to residential address, what the applicant must ensure every that obtains this address servantchooses a person for a job is written agree, let obtain accredit person to enter this address to undertake routine inspects.
2, the address that accords with following condition need not register:
(I) be located in beyond Hong Kong local address;
(Ii) basically not be to use as the address that management money serves, make the address of the following utility only for example:
·Store business record
·The employee grooms
If do not have the word of specific address address,Geneidi must be expressed to supply communication address in application.
The following example does not need to register management address:
(I) , in the address with fixed blame management money serves, offer for example come to serve;
(Ii) , the client is interviewed in the client's agency;
(Iii) , use equipment of phone of going from place to place to do business only
2.2 how apply for or buy Hong Kong money to serve operator license plate (MSO)
Close long meeting to reject to give out license plate in the following circumstance, can tell an applicant with written announcement:
(Name of the one in A) applicant or applicant business or much name crossing one the applicant fails to decide through proper person selected;
(The location that B) drafts to use does not suit to manage money to serve; Or
(What every of the residential location that C) applicant fails to obtain in order to to manage money to serve servantchooses a person for a job is written agree, can let obtain accredit person to enter the place place to undertake routine inspects.
Money of application Hong Kong serves form of operator license plate to be as follows:
According to Hong Kong custom application money serves license plate how-to, had better be the name with the company goes applying for, next Zuo are application form:
1, the applicant offers company business to register card, company to register card, anniversary to declare a watch (if be new company,offer a company to establish form) , of member of every one of company framework, company hold detailed rules and regulations of outline of rules of a percentage and company and rules to give we, we will have application;
2, applicant (or its any copartner / trustee / have a person finally) need undertakes actuary testimony will undertake proper person selected decides;
3, applicant need and custom personnel meet to sign a requirement formally to approve money to serve requisition of operator license plate;
Money of application Hong Kong serves note of operator license plate to be as follows:
1, the period of efficacy of license plate is two years. The person that hold a card must expire before 45 days in license plate or before submit add card application;
2, if fail to apply for license plate successfully, place pay cost won't be obtained return;
3, the person that hold a card needs to close grow a newspaper change of the following detail:
1) business / the change of law round name;
2) the change of the property of monetary service business;
3) main (communication) the change of the address;
4) the change of contact data;
5) the change of business address data;
6) the phone of business address and the change that fax number;
7) the change of the data of the other business that runs in business address;
8) the change that the of residential business address servantchooses a person for a job;
9) sole proprietorship is worn / copartner / trustee / the change of the detailed information that has a person finally;
10) copartner / trustee / the change that has a person finally;
11) sole proprietorship is worn / copartner / trustee / the change of the capacity of proper person selected that has a person finally;

12) the change of the bank account that in order to manages money to serve business.


Application money serves operator license plate to serve the data that need provides:
1: The enrollment that applies for a company certificate (CI) original;
2: The commerce that applies for a company registers card (BR) original;
3: The id card that files company director and partner or passport clarity scans;
4: The viatic certificate that applies for company director and partner (pass of HongKong and Macow) clear scanning;
5: The company rules that applies for a company two;
6: Apply for portion of one of data of company company account, can reflects company account name and account number truly.

7: Company business manual.



Apply for or buy license plate fare
Charge of application license plate is controlled in 300 thousand Hongkong dollar about, what application needs time: 3 months.


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+852 67643919
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