License plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance how one application?

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

License plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance how one application?

According to Hong Kong insurance inspect manage is in statistic, since 2005, outback guest adds amount of guarantee slip insurance cost newly to rise to 2016 from 1.82 billion HK dollar the 30.1 billion HK dollar first half of the year, amplitude amounts to 16.5 times. Outback tourist goes to harbor to buy insurance to had become modern consumption. Head for Hong Kong to cast in succession in everybody protect while, also meet somebody has doubt, the guarantee slip of Hong Kong suffers how the superintendency of one kind, can I get the protection of assorted one kind? Hong Kong is safe this one is welcome, the most important one link is the sound legal system of Hong Kong.

Of Hong Kong insurance " 3 big hill "

Manage of insurance inspect of the first Hong Kong is in

The first special rule of Hong Kong is in charge of the government sector of Hong Kong insurance.

Insurance couplet of the 2nd Hong Kong is met

Hold water by accept insurance business, specific responsibility processing complains insurance to act as agent a case, obtain a government to approbate.

Countervail of demand of the 3rd insurance is complained bureau

Apply for license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance, the applicant should decide whether oneself accords with the following condition first, want to create insurance broker company in Hong Kong, below the circumstance that has in the liquidate that ensures fact is pay capital stock, enough person selected of gold, administrator, partner, enough reinsurance arrangement reachs the designated position, can protect inspect bureau to offer relevant application to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong protects inspect bureau to be in after getting application material, undertake material examine and verify within formulary cycle, run the insurance company of general business, outside needing the specified number every year, to Hong Kong the bureau that keep watch submits preparation of Hong Kong general business to reach a balance sheet via the business report forms of audit, involve the policy of Hong Kong respect, also have on technological process of application of license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance fasten the policy at inland.

The company is registered, company equity is made over, business charter is made over, company equity trades, technological process of application of insurance license plate, from trade division financing the company that rent registers policy privilege, carry out report to make over fruit of conditional detailed solution, Huo Er this commerce protects grain company to register do sth for sb, company of equity investment fund is made over.

How to apply for license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance?

Application condition: (key)

1.Must be the company that establish is registered in Hong Kong or the company outside be in registered sea is registered in Hong Kong company. Have account of real business address, company.

2.Enough capital stock: Insurance broker company needs any time to store value of 100 thousand yuan lowermost asset reachs least Hongkong dollar capital stock of lowermost pay enough money.

3.Add up to the CEO of compasses: 1, need the full-time trustee of the business that is in Hong Kong for this company or full-time employee.

4.Major civilian countervail is safe - gold of enough liquidate equipment: Guarantee slip finance not less than 3 million Hongkong dollar, top fund specified amount is 75 million Hongkong dollar. Insurance cost is 10 thousand Hongkong dollar about commonly / year.

5.Least of an independence store client account: Inside the bank account that needs the money of a client to stock a client, the money with its oneself is apart. Must not use client money at concerning client use beyond any other utility.

Business of broker of Hong Kong insurance registers a requirement

The accredit of insurance broker

Insurance broker points to the agent that regards guarantee slip as holder or holder of potential guarantee slip, be managed at Hong Kong or arrange the person of the business of insurance contract from Hong Kong, or the person that runs the business that offers an opinion with respect to insurance arrangements.

It is sole proprietorship no matter, pool, still be limited company, can apply for to become the insurance broker that obtains authorization. Accredit can handle application to insurance inspect manage directly.

The functionary of insurance broker and business delegate all also need to undertake registering.

Functionary reachs the nomination that business represents

Insurance broker must nominate a functionary. This functionary must be proper person selected, the lowermost limit that must reach experience respect to accord with demonstrate of insurance supervisory place in the qualification sets. This person needs to handle the manager business of this insurance broker.

Business delegate shows with respect to insurance matters concerned represents insurance broker to offer an opinion to guarantee slip holder or holder of potential guarantee slip, or the personage that be guarantee slip holder on behalf of this insurance broker or arranges insurance agreement from Hong Kong.

The lowest below insurance company byelaw asks (exemple of law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region the 41st chapter)

Insurance supervises the lowermost requirement that issued insurance broker, involve 5 aspects, had go into effect on September 23, 2019.

(A) qualification reachs experience

This insurance broker or the functionary that nominate by insurance broker, must:

(1) year full 21 years old or above;

(2) is Hong Kong permanent resident, or Hong Kong dweller and clause of its job visa (like the person that have) without limitation he pursues insurance broker business;

(3) has degree of university undergraduate course to teach degree or the same educational level at least, and

(The insurance qualification that 4) hold approves, the insurance that has at least 5 years from already check, the administrative experience that includes at least 2 years.

(B) capital reachs capital fund

Broker of illegal round insurance needs any time to be sure in its the equipment in manager business keeps least Hongkong dollar 500, of asset of 000 yuan of lowest is worth.

Broker of law group insurance needs any time to keep least Hongkong dollar fully 500, value of 000 yuan lowermost asset reachs capital stock of pay enough money.

When Zuo decides lowermost asset to be worth, do not include all intangible assets, need a basis to be calculated in the accounting principle with this accepted harbor.

(Countervail of C) professional cover is safe

Insurance broker must put guarantee slip of countervail of a professional cover fully, for Shen Suo and any any the insurance period of 12 months offers limitation of lowermost cover countervail. Limitation of lowermost cover countervail must be:

1) exceeds insurance broker of a year to managing insurance Wu, double of the insurance broker gross income inside 12 months before the effective date of guarantee slip of professional cover countervail;

Be not worth insurance broker of a year to managing insurance Wu, double of the income of predicting insurance broker that guarantee slip of professional cover countervail covers 12 months inside date.

2) Hongkong dollar 3, 000, 000 yuan

Both with amount bigger person for , top fund specified amount is Hongkong dollar 75, 000, 000 yuan.

(D) puts independent client account fully

Insurance broker must stock the client's money in a separate client bank account. He must not use client money at concerning any other utility beyond client utility.

(E) appropriate puts books for keeping accounts and items of an account fully

Accountant and finance record should have sufficient specification to trading, and the finance state of management business of place of broker of insurance of report of can true and fair land and trade. This record must put appropriate fully, so that have audit timelily.

The record is needed with written means, those who carry broker is all trade detail, the income that all manager business brings reachs all pay that pay by insurance broker, all asset that record insurance broker in detail and indebted. This record must be saved not less than 7 years.

Proper person selected asks

Insurance broker must accord with the requirement of proper person selected. He must be acted on highest sincere letter and integrity have business. He also must be in without interest dash forward below the circumstance, offer independence and unbiased opinion.

Discretion of insurance broker beard and responsible go understanding the requirement that reachs contented clientele, must ensure its employee is the proper person selected that carries out relevant job. He also must show the provision of insurance contract to the client, abide by all jobs and personal integrity how-to with regulations.

Client interest must be put in the first place. Accordingly, insurance broker must not publish any materials that obtain from the client. Insurance broker must be offerred for the client appropriate reach truly about important data.

Save a member to register book

According to insurance company byelaw the 69th the 3rd regulation, the enrollment that insurance broker must be in Hong Kong agency or main business spot saves its member register book, the information of the member of party of every insurance broker that records insurance to monitor a demand, need will register book let the public publicly inside normal office hours consult.

File form

Application can put forward to place of insurance inspect manage.

Accredit handles time

Process accredit application, general from refer application archives to the time that promulgates in principle to approve to need 4 months.

U2207, 22/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, H.K
+852 67643919