China's costliest dicker " financial license plate "

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :369
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

China's costliest dicker " financial license plate "

10 big license plate of Chinese


All the time since, the amount of financial license plate of enterprise hold delimits with actual strength already went up equal-sign. As in recent years the development of Internet finance, also emerge inside the industry reveal the company with a batch of rich actual strength, before the trend that confuses already run, they to financial license plate " ambition " the growth that also accompanying actual strength is increasingly strong. China's costliest dicker " financial license plate " also be China the most arrogant the financial license plate of the most influential force.


From another respect for, as what superintend gradually strict, these businesses that begin financial professional work according to Yin Internet are faced with violate the case with plan higher and higher cost, this also lets an enterprise close to can holding a card compasses management desire is more strong.


The financial license plate that in our country need examines and approve basically includes business of Yin of bank, safe, letter, certificate, finance to rent, sale of subsidiary of futures, fund, fund, fund, tripartite pays license plate, small loan, hock 12 kinds. Among them to the demand of which kinds of license plate is Internet banking company most pressing? Which kinds of license plate contains Troy the most sufficient, is the price top?


Between numerous finance license plate, what does the financial license plate that begins Internet banking business to may be involved have roughly? Have the application requirement of assorted one kind respectively?


One. License plate of civilian battalion bank

Examine and approve mechanism: Chinese silver-colored inspect is met

Application condition:

1, capital mark , it is clearly have civilian battalion fund oneself

2, it is partner mark , tangible capital is possessory should have good individual reputation; Organize construction and bad record without what correlation trades

3, bank bid , the equity structure with good design and company processing structure, wind accuses framework of science and technology of system, information to wait;

4, mechanism mark , it is clearly 5 have, include to have the system that assumes odd risk arrangement, have do good bank aptitude condition and fight the risk ability, market fixed position that difference is changed and specific strategy to wait.

" the directive opinion that develops about promoting civilian battalion bank " become a shareholder to investment the civilian battalion enterprise of banking finance orgnaization is returned made particular demand. Be like, 3 financial year are consecutive recently gain, after allocating end of the year, net assets achieves total assets 30% above, remaining sum of investment of sex of rights and interests does not exceed only asset 50% etc.

First civilian battalion bank in all 5, bank of merchant of Hua Ruiyin travel of numerous bank of the Hai Wei before be bank of Zhejiang network merchant, Shenzhen respectively, Shanghai, Wenzhou civilian, Tianjin Jincheng bank. Cao Yu expresses, had done not have amount to restrict at present, will mature according to national policy one approves, will have before long new silver of a batch of civilian battalion advances to approve set stage. Chongqing enrichs the people later the orgnaization that the bank becomes the 6th to obtain license plate of civilian battalion bank.


2. tripartite pays license tag

Examine and approve mechanism: Chinese people bank

Application condition:

1, the applicant plans to be surrounded in countrywide Geng inside be engaged in paying professional work, its register capital minimum limitation to plan to be being saved for; of 100 million yuan of RMBs (** , municipality directly under the Central Government) Geng is surrounded inside be engaged in paying professional work, its register capital minimum limitation to be 3 ten million yuan RMB.

2, the finite liability company that creates lawfully in churchyard of People's Republic of China or Inc. , and to be not financial orgnaization legal person;

3, have the contributive person that accords with this method regulation;

4, 5 above are familiar with the senior administrator; that pays professional work

5, those who accord with a requirement wash money measure; instead

6, those who accord with a requirement pay business establishment;

7, have system of perfect origanization construction, built-in control and; of risk management measure

8, those who accord with a requirement do business place and; of safe safeguard measure

9, applicant and its are advanced administrator did not pay to business carries out illegal crime activity or pay business to wait to violate guilty activity to deal with because of using inside 3 years recently had sufferred punishment.

Release in the Central Bank " blame bank pays orgnaization risk executive program of special repair work " express clearly, accept new orgnaization to establish application no longer commonly, of hidden danger of bigger to existing risk already obtained card orgnaization, do not grant add is exhibited. From 2011 up to now, the Central Bank extended in all 8 batches more than pieces 270 pay license tag, as a result of much home license plate at present orgnaization be superintendencied is cancelled, and much home pays a company to add up to , put 255 pieces only at present, undertaking the 4th batch of add that pay license tag postpone the job at present.


3. Consume financial license plate

Examine and approve mechanism: Silver-colored inspect is met

Application condition:

Blame banking company regards consumptive banking firm as main and contributive person, ought to have following requirement:

1, do business 1 year recently income not under 30 billion yuan of RMB or equivalent convertible currency (caliber of forms for reporting statistics of accountant adding up to ) ;

2, 1 annual end is clean recently asset not under capital total 30% (caliber of forms for reporting statistics of accountant adding up to ) ;

3, financial standing is good, 2 financial year are consecutive recently gain (caliber of forms for reporting statistics of accountant adding up to ) ;

4, reputation is good, do not have inside 2 years recently great break the law violate compasses management record;

5, become a shareholder financing source is true and lawful, must not become a shareholder with leasehold capital, must not with other appoint Yin capital becomes a shareholder;

6, the equity of consumptive banking firm that acceptance does not transfer a hold inside 5 years (banking supervisory administration instructs the except that make over lawfully) , carry in planning to set company rules bright;

7, condition of other and careful sex.


4. Internet insurance license plate

Examine and approve mechanism: The meeting that keep watch




Application condition:

1, the information management system that has operation of business of supportive Internet insurance, of implementation and system of business of insurance device core without seam instant butt joint, ensure the effective segregation of system of as other as insurance device interior application, outside avoiding information safety risk to be inside insurance device, the ministry is delivered with spread.

2, have perfect firewall, inbreak detect, data is added close and disaster restores to wait for Internet information safety to run a system;

3, the license that has Internet industry to be in charge of a branch to issue perhaps is in charge of a branch to finish a website to put on record in Internet industry, and the website receives the ground to be in churchyard of People's Republic of China;

4, have management department of special Internet insurance business, deploy corresponding professional;

5, have perfect Internet insurance business to manage system and operating rules;

6, salesperson of Internet insurance business should accord with the meeting that keep watch to concern a provision;

7, the other condition that China keeps inspect to be able to set.


Current, the company that acquires Internet insurance license plate shares 4, it is numerous respectively install Inc. of insurance of the property on the line, peaceful Inc. of insurance of the property on health line, set one's mind at belongings is safe and finite liability company, Yi Ancai produces insurance Inc. . Management Geng is surrounded basically include freight a place difficult of access, credence to assure danger of money of safe, accident danger, healthy danger, penates danger, look forward to to wait.


5. Internet fund reachs sale license plate

Examine and approve an orgnaization: Card inspect is met

Application condition:

By fund sale orgnaization self-supporting platform is undertaken Internet fund is sold

What orgnaization of sale of orgnaization of to seek advice of investment of firm of commercial bank, stockjobber, futures, insurance device, negotiable securities, independent fund and Chinese card inspect can maintain is other have the orgnaization that registers fund marketing qualification, and have telecommunication to be in charge of a branch to walk on a website to permit at the same time (or put on record formalities) , those who accord with superintendency regulation is OK pursue Internet fund sale.

Sell an orgnaization to sell goods on a commission basis through platform of business affairs of tripartite electron by fund

1, the fund marketing license plate of fund sale orgnaization;

2, platform of business affairs of tripartite electron and fund sale orgnaization are in what card inspect meets to put on record.


Sell fund oneself by platform of business affairs of tripartite electron

1, the licence of website of telegraphic director branch of platform of business affairs of tripartite electron (or put on record formalities) ;

2, the fund marketing license plate of oneself of platform of Wu of tripartite electron.


6. Internet believes Yin license plate

Examine and approve an orgnaization: Silver-colored inspect is met

Application condition:

According to " opinion of each other gold " the relevant provision with ** , internet believes Yin to be able to be undertaken by the company that believe Yin only. The opinion points out the company that believe Yin begins professional work through Internet, want to follow superintendency regulation strictly, strengthen risk management, ensure trade to close legally compasses, keep client information, abide by eligible investor regulation, careful discriminate a client the identity and evaluate client risk to bear ability, cannot give a risk to bear product sale the client that ability does not match. Current, ** has not publish Internet to believe the superintendency detailed rules of Yin business.

At present our country extends the company believing Yin of license plate adds up to 68.


7, Internet is small loan license plate

Examine and approve mechanism: Provincial government is in charge of a branch (finance does or relevant orgnaization)

Application condition:

Small loan and network are united in wedlock, reflect in whether breakthrough " apanage management " , implementation crosses area to manage, Zuo at current and small finance company license plate still does nuclear hair by finance of each province government.

1, Shen Li of Internet company proper motion is small borrow license tag. Large Internet enterprise is like A Xuan , Beijing east, taste meeting, Baidu to wait to had been obtained only those who face the whole nation to manage is small loan license. But at present only finance of and other places of Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing does can deal with, shen Li condition taller, cost is bigger.

2, Internet enterprise and already obtained small the company that lends license plate cooperates, or is used in ** (or provincial finance does) the form that has putting on record is superintended.

3, already obtained small borrow license tag and the platform of company self-supporting network that accords with relevant superintendency condition, the license that obtains superintendency branch or put on record.

Two kinds of means issue Internet after enterprise and small borrow a company to should be had why to plant condition, with why be being planted mode is reached " opinion of each other gold " in former to latter " control " , still wait for superintendency branch to publish corresponding detailed rules.



8, equity is numerous prepare license plate

Examine and approve mechanism: Card inspect is met

Application condition:

Equity is at present numerous preparing license plate is with " pilot " means is obtained, had owned fair collect equity numerous the platform that prepares pilot qualification has: Beijing east of finance " a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord " , Pu Huizhong of the sea before the Shenzhen with restful subordinate group prepares trade Inc. , and the ant that ant gold takes amounts to a guest (Shanghai) equity is numerous prepare service limited company.


9, license plate of Internet negotiable securities

Examine and approve mechanism: Card inspect is met

Application condition:

1, certificate business and Internet company together, realize user diversion, help business of the manager on line of force spread out. This includes among them the earliest hand in hand the state that Tecent has open an account on the net the golden negotiable securities, Hua Tai negotiable securities of the Netease that pull a hand.

2, the platform on net of own research and development, this kind of means is given priority to with business of large and state-owned certificate more. Large certificate business pays attention to the speech of brand image to counterpoise more, because this photograph is compared at involving hand Internet company, they are willing to turn brand of business of out some Internet and electronic store more, of company of the gold in be like " in golden gold net " wait.

3, still have a kind, it is certificate business the general that be brought into by Internet company, become the soldier of financial file leader of Internet company. This kind of mode is provided most representative, it is great wisdom buys Hunan money negotiable securities, realize industry transition successfully.

Since last year April, already 55 certificate business gained competence of business of Internet negotiable securities, take the in part of certificate trade number about; In the certificate business that appear on the market, divide smooth old negotiable securities, northeast negotiable securities beyond, already gained Internet business competence.




10, individual ask forring believes license plate

Examine and approve mechanism: Chinese people bank

Application condition:

1, main shareholder reputation is good, do not have 3 years recently great break the law violate compasses record

2, register capital not less than RMBs 50 million yuan

3, the establishment that has the safeguard information security that accords with the State Council to ask for letter course of study to supervise management department to set, equipment and system, measure

4, plan to hold the post of thing of trustee, inspect and senior administrator to accord with what this byelaw sets the 8th times to hold a post condition

5, the requirement of other and careful sex that the State Council imposes letter course of study to supervise management department to set


Chinese people bank is in " the announcement that good about doing individual asks for letter business to work fully " in, announced 8 first orgnaizations that obtain an individual to ask for letter license plate list, it is respectively: Inc. of center of the Hai Zhengxin before Tecent ask forring believes limited company, sesame seed credence to manage limited company, Shenzhen, roc yuan the limited company that sign a letter, medium sincere letter signs a letter limited company, Zhong Zhicheng signs a letter limited company, Lakala credit management limited company, Beijing. Subsequently, release in the 10 ministries and commissions such as the Central Bank " the directive opinion that develops about promoting Internet finance health " in put forward clearly, of condition of be patient of apply for license of the business that sign a letter lawfully from orgnaization of course of study.


Material comes from classical economics



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