Card inspect meets: Remove fictitious asset to trade today platform but explain get 1, 7 cards

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :349
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Card inspect meets: Remove fictitious asset to trade today platform but explain get 1, 7 cards


The thing lies between a year, card inspect can add close money exchange to roll out superintendency detailed rules to come on stage again eventually, card inspect can announce now " footing book: Superintend fictitious asset to trade platform " , by central fictitious asset is managed to trade in Hong Kong since now platform, can meet to card inspect explain get date and 7 the 1st license plate, however card inspect can be not rigid to stipulate all bourse that carry in harbor battalion all are needed explain get license plate.

Today second card inspect can release relevant dealing condition and clause and condition to enclothe battalion carry, trade platform and network security personnel, risk management, for example " open an account reach the client that knows you " respect, below the situation that is covered in IP address of the client, the person that platform battalion carries should takes logical step, in order to announce IP address or in reject to provide a service when necessary. Purse respect, card inspect can ask bourse reachs the seed of purse private close key all stores in Hong Kong.

Custodial client is fictitious asset, the person that platform battalion carries should ensure insurance hour is effective, and its ensure Geng to surround Ying Han to cover the risk that with storing on the line fictitious asset place involves means hold client, reach the risk that with storing below the line fictitious asset place involves means hold client (majority safeguard, for example 95% ) .

Card inspect can ask platform often submits battalion carry data again, include fictitious asset to trade clinch a deal every months the detail of the category of the fictitious asset of business of quantity, client, property amount that puts fully.

Be worth is alertly, card inspect can be admitted have no the P2P that provides custodial asset service to add close money to trade platform applies for license plate.

Additional, card inspect can issue a warning with respect to contract of fictitious asset futures, admonish the relevant risk that investor notes to buy contract of fictitious asset futures in Hong Kong, as a result of fictitious asset hard appraise value, because this is futures contract to undertake appraise is worth a respect to bring major challenge, additionally the high of futures contract changes character, the risk that Yi Ling investor faces times add.


Card inspect can be mentioned, contract of fictitious asset futures also may is by explanation " gamble byelaw " indicating price difference agreement, battalion carries fictitious asset trades platform may be belonged to break the law.


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