Can inspect of card of Hong Kong of the one that be assorted allow foreign currency to trade cannot?

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :301
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Can inspect of card of Hong Kong of the one that be assorted allow foreign currency to trade cannot exceed of 20 times ?


Hong Kong negotiable securities and control commission of futures general affairs, namely inspect of Hong Kong card is met (HongKong Securities And Futures Commission (HKSFC) , inspect of card of Hong Kong of the following abbreviation is met) , the firm of merchant of foreign currency broker that is pair of Hong Kong undertakes be supervisoried in the round, superintendency orgnaization of management, the license plate that still is in charge of firm of merchant of Hong Kong broker additionally extends and authority undertakes to supporting the activity of brand manager dealer decision-making.


Inspect of Hong Kong card can be established 1989, aim to build the strong superintendency orgnaization that one can be supervised and controls finance to serve the market. Compare with photograph of other superintendency orgnaization, inspect of Hong Kong card will be OK calculate going up is orgnaization of futures of time farthest negotiable securities. Go up century 70 time, there has been foreign currency company to exist in Hong Kong, 19 centuries at the beginning of 90 time, many 2000 company is in Hong Kong " register " make trade of broker of retail foreign currency, nevertheless much can be portfolio company only. As a result of the market immature, and relevant legislation is short of with what superintend break, foreign currency is retail trade to begin to develop blindly in Hong Kong in this phase, market environment is very harsh, con infestation, cause many investor occurrence loss. 1994, trade as foreign currency of byelaw promulgate, hong Kong negotiable securities and futures committee begin to trade to foreign currency bail carry out superintend, cheater company goes broke in succession, to 2003, the eligible broker dealer that registers in Hong Kong has 10.


The main function that inspect of Hong Kong card meets has:


1.Make dealing criterion, ensure all from course of study member it is the proper person selected that deals permissibly;


2.Examine and approve license plate and equipment to keep record of public of the person that hold a card book;


3.Publish regulations to reach how-to, the of personal integrity water that makes inspect of industry know card can ask;


4.Censorial the finance of the person that hold a card is dovish gender and the condition that observe exemple of all and relevant law, regulations, how-to, regulation and compasses exemple;



5.Handle what put forward in the light of the improper behavior of the person that hold a card to complain;


6.Undertake with respect to improper behavior investigation and take the action.


Current, the business of manager of normal foreign currency that inspect of Hong Kong card can set Hong Kong can be offerred for the client only do not exceed 20 the of times, the company of of more than 20 times is namely manage illegally. But compete to be the same as the firm of merchant of a few broker outside the condition, chamber of commerce of broker of a lot of Hong Kong sets its branch or subsidiary in Hong Kong besides, with obtaining local 100-500 the of times is approved, make its can run the security business of of of two kinds of different scale at the same time, but this branch or subsidiary already did not suffer inspect of Hong Kong card to be able to be superintended, at the same time Hong Kong law also stipulates its must not promote the security business of of more than 20 times to Hong Kong citizen.

Risk control is the most important to the client. The case that cites a lever first 100, suppose, trade twice, first deficit 1% , hind gain 2% (conversely Yi Ke) , in different lever multiple affection is spent besides below, the net value of investor is as follows:
10 times lever asks: (1-10*1% ) * (1+2%*10) = 1.08
20 times lever answers: (1-20*1% ) * (1+2%*20) = 1.12
30 times lever: (1-30*1% ) * (1+2%*30) = 1.12
50 times lever: (1-50*1% ) * (1+2%*50) = 1
100 times lever (1-100*1% ) * (1+2%*100) = 0
200 times lever (1-200*1% ) * (1+2%*200) = -5
From which, we can see, it is when lever multiple 20 times when, be worth inside the biggest, this also is the foreign currency that inspect of card of Hong Kong of the one that it is assorted can provide trade lever multiple is highest for the look of 20 times main reason


Be in Hong Kong, according to legal provision, the capital of the firm of merchant of foreign currency broker that registers type of of of a management foreign currency to trade asks to be 30 million Hongkong dollar (approach 4 million dollar) . Additional, the system of the agent that hold a card that implements according to Hong Kong sets, must be person with ability of the manager that hold a card qualified begin this kind of professional work, to holding card economy person make an on-the-spot investigation and the requirement is very strict; If broker company is having business from time to tome the place of impropriety, meet gently by inspect of Hong Kong card written warning, time-out holds card qualification even revoke broker license plate, stock the bail of 30 million Hongkong dollar that card inspect meets from its again Xuan undertakes buckling punishing; And, when company of normal broker of Hong Kong foreign currency opens an account, must deal with to spot of Hong Kong company by the client, have an agent attendant sign to just can be effective.


2015, inspect of Hong Kong card can begin to carry out new code to ask to increase an additional provision on client contract. This clause thinks, when middleman perhaps recommended the financial product that does not fit them to investor sale, investor can ask the orgnaization recoups the loss that they cause because of this.


The law that Hong Kong Xuan decides trades to retail type the client offerred safe sense, the asset that safeguards a client not just is safe, also ensured be engaged in foreign currency trading the has qualification from personnel of course of study and company aptitude of business.


What need an attention finally is, the platform of a few Hong Kong foreign currency that make gold can claim the member that oneself are field of trade of trade of Hong Kong bullion, and field of trade of trade of Hong Kong bullion is a guild only, do not belong to superintendency function orgnaization of the government, not any superintendency powers and authorities of office, the member of the grain supervision board of commerce field is the controller of each gold company entirely, since athlete ump, the justice that cannot assure to superintend and transparent. We have in front mention, inspect of Hong Kong card can stipulate finance invests can 20 times more highest , but the gold security company of field of trade of trade of Hong Kong bullion is main it is of 100 times , exceeded inspect of Hong Kong card to be able to set greatly. The gold of Hong Kong trades a lot of change trains banks of company that use an individual receive remit money, and can use tripartite remit money, did not abide by international completely to washing Qian Hejin pilot of risk of be in harmony sets.

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