License plate of company of Hong Kong take lessons after school is hot

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :349
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

The salary of the adviser of star take lessons after school of Hong Kong really very tall, monthly pay of the most top class teacher of star take lessons after school can reach 4.5 million HK dollar, as a result of,do not pass industry Zuo period sex, can calculate one year only 8 months, such computation, the yearly salary of adviser of star take lessons after school reached 36 million HK dollar, more outstanding teacher yearly salary reachs 40 million HK dollar.

On October 8, a company of take lessons after school that appears on the market in Hong Kong carries complete edition ad on newspaper, with " the open letter that sends Mr. Lin Yixin " for the problem, the star adviser that hopes with yearly salary 85 million HK dollar invites manage of abide by of company of another take lessons after school to teach passes grade, say " this number will become Hong Kong even a record of group of world private education " .

According to abide by manage teachs a webpage to show, this Mr. Lin Yixin is university of Hong Kong Chinese] Master of philosophy of academy of Department of Chinese Language and Literature graduates, every 2.37 obtain 5**(to represent A in DSE Chinese division, only the examinee ability of 1% obtains this one result) in the student, have a student that is Lin Yixin, and his vermicelli made from bean starch pervades Hong Kong, student vermicelli made from bean starch opened backing of Lin Yixin international to meet even only page, support a teacher.

Nevertheless, be worth abide by manage to teach the sensitive period that appears on the market fully, lin Yixin is made public very quickly on gregarious website rejected this one requirement, say oneself and school are maintaining good cooperation to close , as long as it is a fairness, reasonable, and the working environment that has joint concept, be willing to continue to stay behind.

And resemble Lin Yixin the star adviser of such yearly salary ten million, be in Hong Kong also is not to have 9 only. The culture of take lessons after school as a result of Hong Kong very be current, resemble Lin Yixin such adviser is very welcome also.

Ten million yearly salary brings up Queen of heaven of king of day of take lessons after school

Powerful demand is ecbolic the industry of take lessons after school of Hong Kong, data shows, the student of 52% each cost of take lessons after school achieves above of 1000 HK dollar, charge of every months of take lessons after school reached the student that still has 6.7% above of 3000 HK dollar.

Accordingly, the income of teacher of take lessons after school of a lot of star also when the river rises the boat goes up too. Thunder Rong is accepting general manager of limited company of contemporary education Hong Kong " daily of the first finance and economics " say when the special interview, the salary of the adviser of star take lessons after school of Hong Kong really very tall, monthly pay of the most top class teacher of star take lessons after school can reach 4.5 million HK dollar, as a result of,do not pass industry Zuo period sex, can calculate one year only 8 months, such computation, the yearly salary of adviser of star take lessons after school reached 36 million HK dollar, more outstanding teacher yearly salary reachs 40 million HK dollar.

With Lin Yixin such case is exemple, up to on July 31, 2015, education of abide by manage pays grant the firewood fulfil of division of top class name occupies his respectively 22.2% of total staff cost and service fee, and 2015, the total staff cost that abide by manage teachs reachs 135 million HK dollar, namely the firewood fulfil of top class adviser can reach 30 million HK dollar about.

And the ad that carries according to contemporary education, if Lin Yixin is in next year on July 31, after with abide by manage education is made an appointment with completely, join in contemporary education, can offer autograph of 30 million HK dollar to make an appointment with sincerity gold to him, and annual the advertisement of 1 million HK dollar and propagandist cost assistance, agreement by a definite date 4 years, provide top class teacher the top scale that distribute account book 65% , if win 25000 divisions with every months of course,second newspaper reads computation, one year income can achieve Lin Yixin 85 million HK dollar.

of water of this kind of salary had exceeded the top prize of teacher of Asian take lessons after school, the teacher of take lessons after school of top salary of the Asia before this is a king of day of take lessons after school that comes from Korea, income of a year achieved brave of this auspicious of mathematical teacher car that comes from Korea last year 8 million dollar () of about 62.4 million HK dollar. In 12 Asias that in the United States Forbes singled out 2010's most eccentric high pay job, adviser of astral grade take lessons after school discharges amid, this job has been as high as 1.5 million dollar in the yearly salary at that time () of about 11.7 million HK dollar.

Be in Hong Kong, such high pay basically is to follow the operation mode of company of take lessons after school to concern. It is with contemporary education exemple, of the company " king of day of take lessons after school " the formal employee that does not belong to a company, make formal work in order to contract however, the adviser contracts to company collection adviser cost, and the adviser contracts cost is with the student the number is calculated, multiply the tuition with every student, take the commission rate with every course again, deduct the computation after expenditure and company collect fees to reach finally.

Appear on the market according to what contemporary education is in company Hong Kong teachs international (the half annals exposure of 01082.HK) , up to the half an year by 2014 inside, the adviser of the company contracts charge reachs 31.07 million HK dollar, and international of Hong Kong education comes from the income that provides private education to serve branch to reach 109 million HK dollar. Lei Rong also says frankly, every earn the company 100 money, can 45 money are used at paying an adviser.

Nevertheless, the suction of star adviser golden ability is very powerful, just cause company of much home take lessons after school or work to fool the phenomenon that grab so.

According to abide by manage education will make file of uploads newest raise capital by floating shares in harbor on October 6, abide by manage teachs major earnings to will produce the course that offers at division of top class name and product, up to 2013, reached 3 year that stopped on July 31, 2015 2014, the course that concerns division of top class name reachs the profit that product place generates, the gross income that takes a company respectively is made an appointment with 43.6% , 45.5% reach 40.5% , the gross income that abide by manage taught 2015 reachs 328 million HK dollar, and the wealth that this top class adviser creates for the company achieved Lin Yixin 133 million HK dollar.

"One continuous line " market of hot take lessons after school

In the star adviser backside of these ten million yearly salary, it is two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two parents that hope children will have a bright future.

Chen Xin (alias) it is a heart the father of very inimical take lessons after school, in the public elementary school that his son is in, arrive classes are over time, the bus that can have company of a take lessons after school stops in school gate mouth, hold the children of company of take lessons after school. Chen Xin introduces, the child that has half above about can take that bus, they can influence course of end take lessons after school at 8 o'clock commonly, reopen car sends the child to come home, excellent time normally already at 9 o'clock. This kind " one continuous line " timeline, suit the parent that parents is going to work particularly.

Chen Xinceng has complained via following a teacher, teacher and student of school of the one that it is assorted teachs that one is shallowly, but the exam is taken an examination of however very deep. The teacher's reply is, "If do not follow,go up to go take lessons after school. " the Chen Xin that this lets be brought up in the United States is accepted very hard, before because child achievement is all the time on the class,be being ranked 30% , he abandoned the idea of take lessons after school, aux would rather let the child enjoy childhood life well. But enter a middle school as the child, the phenomenal all the more with deep shallow course of this kind of homework is apparent, chen Xin must send the child excellent the class of take lessons after school around goes, stripped the child's original libertinism time.

Lei Rong says when accepting our newspaper special report, the culture of take lessons after school of Hong Kong already be current is old, reach the degree of everybody take lessons after school almost. Data shows, the student that elementary school has 70% about goes to each large and medium-sized take lessons after school or work of agency of take lessons after school, and the high school student has 80% to go take lessons after school, this one scale still does not include the proportion that participates in in the society by teacher of individual take lessons after school or work.

According to the investigation of association of Hong Kong youth 2013, suffer visit a student to use squad of the 4.9 take lessons after school on the hour on average every weeks each, more than investigating 3.06 hours when 2009 60% , the specification arrives from Zuo Zuo 5, the time of student take lessons after school achieved 1 hour.

According to proposal of United Nations Children's Fund Commission, cheeper should have free playtime of at least one hour everyday. And American pedology can discover, if cheeper is deficient in free playtime, can suffer from more easily on depressed disease and angst disease. Afore-mentioned investigation discover, the student that has more than 2/3 does not like take lessons after school or work, but many student parents are being held in the arms " treat a disease unhealthily, without ill filling body " idea, forced the child to be on the road of take lessons after school.

Be close to the industry of take lessons after school that saturation ebbs even

Lei Rong tells a reporter, the appearance of adviser of take lessons after school of high pay star of level of canal ten million is bright, but the can be counted on one's fingers of adviser of star take lessons after school that can take high pay of ten million level truly actually. Signed up for year after year completely 2014 according to contemporary education, the adviser of before 5 advisers contracts cost takes 2014 money of company year amount is made an appointment with 61.52% , especially a beloved daughter that first adviser is company of take lessons after school more, the adviser of one person contracts 21.95% what cost held annual total.

At present Hong Kong teachs international to have 121 teachers, the adviser of half an year contracts charge is 31.07 million HK dollar, 5 advisers took hypothesis head of 60% contract charge, the monthly pay of 116 advisers that that one remains is seventeen thousand nine hundred HK dollar, the pay that compares teacher of school of Hong Kong this locality is low still.

The monthly pay that teachs adviser of international the others from Hong Kong can see, competition of this one market is intense, had begun to approach saturated level, also have the power that puts delay quite.

On one hand, the educational system of Hong Kong begins to undertake reform. Began in September 2009, the educational group of Hong Kong begins to carry out course of new high school, result from the past two years of two years of 3 years of junior high school of 3223 eductional systme of England, high school, preparatory and course of undergraduate course of 3 years of universities, the change becomes 3 years of 3 years of junior high school, high school and course of undergraduate course of 4 years of universities.

Below new system of education, 2012, hong Kong exam reachs the bureau that judge a nucleus to begin to hold diploma of Hong Kong middle school to take an exam (HKDSE) , this one exam has 70 thousand every year to sign up to 80 thousand examinee. Nevertheless, there was news of Hong Kong media 2014, the number signing up that diploma of Hong Kong middle school takes an exam begins to decrease, the analysis says, as a result of diploma of Hong Kong middle school the exam competes big, many parents choose to send children early to nonlocal enter a higher school, escape the system of education of Hong Kong, and the trade that this also allows company of take lessons after school begins to be done hard.

On the other hand, of children of of the right age decreasing also is the one big challenge that company of take lessons after school should face next, the birthrate of Hong Kong lies all the time dropping trend. According to the data that statistic of Hong Kong government manages, according to computation of mouth of every 1000 celebrity, hong Kong thick birthrate was 2010 12.6, and to 2014, this is occupied have 8.6 only, drop extent is achieved 32% .

Geography of university of Hong Kong Chinese and resource management learn a department to teach Shenyang to build a law to be in a report say, came 2007 during 2012, number of the one student in Hong Kong decreases 22 thousand, came 2012 during 2017, one student number will slip in 11 thousand, in making some, learn to concern shut the crisis.

"Do not look ad of company of take lessons after school is hit many one is noisily now, actually this just mirrorred the depression of the industry, if the industry is very good, everybody does not need to spend money to hit advertisement to be able to be done very well, " Lei Rong shows pessimistic ground to say slightly, he thinks the summit summit period of company of Hong Kong large take lessons after school or work had gone, a lot of students choose the agency of small-sized take lessons after school of a few community instead now, and the journey that contemporary education also is beginning hand transition.


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