Outback company how does Yao Shen ask Hong Kong (9 cards) does SFC asset manage license plate?

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :350
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Outback company how does Yao Shen ask Hong Kong (9 cards) does SFC asset manage license plate?

Hong Kong regards an Asia as the main off shore of money market and center of blame off shore, trade the maturity that provides a framework from inspect no matter, publicly the respect such as the rich sex of the perfect sex of the market and financial product, all be in front row of international money market, it is the first selection platform of Asia of international investor invest in.

What Hong Kong market carries out is system of management of financial license plate, financial orgnaization can begin stock, finance to derive at the same time article, of the breed such as foreign currency and gold trade.

9 license plate are inspect of Hong Kong card can be released carry out " negotiable securities and futures orders " bear license tag of qualification of compasses pipe business the 9th kind, namely asset management license tag. This license plate meant hold to be obtained on international capital market " pass " , can participate in the investment outside the condition directly not only, still can manage the fund that uses overseas investor.

A company gets financial license plate in application or application is become when registering an orgnaization, inspect of Hong Kong card can be met according to " negotiable securities and futures orders " groups of pair of the law that hold a card and the 129th judgement that register an orgnaization to be made as follows, specific content is as follows:

1, main body qualification

Must be the company that establish is registered in Hong Kong or the company outside be in registered sea is registered in Hong Kong company.

2, ;equal;fitter;fittest;qualified;equal to ability

Group of the law that hold a card and register an orgnaization when having relevant business, want to had run the risk that faces possibly when manage, specific and the business personnel that character has appropriate business framework, good internal supervisory system and joint-stock case namely; (specific refer to: Card inspect can announce separately " of;equal;fitter;fittest;qualified;equal to ability how-to " , " hold card person or register of person personal integrity criterion " , " the person that hold a card or the management that register a person, supervise reach in-house monitoring is how-to " ) .

3, functionary

(1) gets compasses canal activity every kinds must at least two functionary monitor commission directly concerned activity;

(2) suffers compasses canal activity every kinds to must at least a controller always can control concerned business. If part arrangement won't create conflict, same person can suffer appoint to supervise a kind over to get compasses canal activity;

(There is at least in 3) controller is to accord with " negotiable securities and futures orders " defines executive trustee;

(4) all executive trustee must be met to card inspect seek sanction;

(When 5) submits license plate to apply for, meet to card inspect the approve application that one submits all drafting that become functionary.

4, the large stockholder qualification that must possess proper person selected

Large stockholder, senior staff, get compasses canal activity and any someone else that uses, with respect to this kinds of activity and a how other of Kui having couplet, must possess the qualification of proper person selected. Concerned detail consults please " negotiable securities and futures orders " the 129th.

The course consults relevant data, when applying for license plate, did not restrict the SPV such as the plan that believe Yin and endowment canal plan to be large stockholder. But basis " negotiable securities and futures orders " the 129th, want to inspect the finance ability of large stockholder and solvency, SPV may pass examine and verify very hard for large stockholder.

5, the finance ability of main body

Group of the law that hold a card and register an orgnaization when having relevant business, must maintain enough capital stock to reach fast use fund (fast move capital to point to: Can rapid changeover becomes cash or the asset) that already belonged to cash form. For example, asset management is provided in application (the 9th kind of license plate) when, group of the law that hold a card and register orgnaization lowest to answer capital stock of 5 1 million HK dollar reachs pay keep 3 1 million HK dollar fast use fund.

According to Hong Kong the person that protect Jian introduces, the basis is OK hold client assets, can divide for big shop sign and little shop sign. Big shop sign (absoluteness) can hold client assets, can do fair collect fund like home same, the client's asset can assemble the account of the company directly, whole asset can have investment government as an unified account. And these investor need not be professional investor (PI) . But because such, to guarantee average investor, inspect of Hong Kong card can ask more strictly to this kind of license plate, mix in pay enough capital stock not only fast move capital respect to have extremely high demand, to supporting card chief (RO) also have very high demand euqally. The market price of big shop sign is so higher, the business that can do is more also, because of this appears on the market greatly the orgnaization is met deflection perhaps buys big license plate at application, the development of facilitating business.

And 9 cards (small license plate) cannot hold client assets, because this must be every client establish independent account, and do not get hold these asset, can manage for you only, and investor also has opposite restriction. Because part account management compares a trouble, this kind of license plate may suit on purpose more do illicit collect fund, do not suit to make more extensive fund item.

6, buy relevant insurance

Group of the law that hold a card and register an orgnaization to be in related application when license plate, what should buy as corresponding as business posture amount is safe.

Establish subsidiary and two ways that buy outback illicit collect to apply for 9 license plate:

For the illicit collect orgnaization that applies for 9 license plate to wanting, have way of two kinds of application commonly, it is to be in Hong Kong to create subsidiary, 2 it is to buy a company that applies for 9 license plate already successfully.

As we have learned, at present inland already had the illicit collect orgnaization of 9 cards to pass bought way to get 9 license plate to enter an international market rarely. The orgnaization of outback illicit collect with average larger scale can choose to establish subsidiary to win 9 medals of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, can make the name of Hong Kong subsidiary and orgnaization of outback illicit collect keeps consistent or similar on one hand so, be helpful for a brand carry on with inheritance; On the other hand, because buy an already successful application to go to the Hong Kong company of 9 license plate to also need,undertake a series of apply for and equipment place requires data, with establish subsidiary to be on the expenditure of time basic and identical. Accordingly, choice of orgnaization of collect of illicit of very rare inland gets 9 license plate of Hong Kong with the way that buys directly.

All directions face asks to file the requirement of 9 cards into outback illicit collect:

The outback illicit raise that already won 9 medals of Hong Kong manages a person to divulge, the flow that files 9 cards of Hong Kong is relatively simple, the data that needs equipment basically has fundamental news of business program book and company, but because outback illicit collect manages a person to may exist,be opposite unfamiliar of business of Hong Kong law circumstance, accordingly, apt of most illicit collect orgnaization conducts application technological process through intermediary orgnaization, what need time to be 6 months at least, orgnaization of most illicit collect needs 9-12 commonly month.

If orgnaization of outback illicit collect wants to get 9 cards to need through creating subsidiary,satisfy requirement of a lot of rigid, if apply for license plate to need 2 Hong Kong to hold card responsibility person, and the record of capital market outstanding achievement that person of the responsibility that hold a card needs to 3 is make public continuously to 5 years, at the same time the enterprise also asks to there is real business address to wait in Hong Kong, specific in light of:

① company side

Plan to be in Hong Kong explain the illicit collect orgnaization that gets license plate must accord with the following requirement:

(1) already registered in Hong Kong hold water or already registered to the company manage registered abroad law group;

(2) financial standing and liquidity are good and company each staff has regular qualifications and record of service and experience;

(3) the personnel that the company must prove to its have proper business framework, good internal supervisory system and joint-stock case;

(4) the asset management company that wins hair license plate must have two functionary the least;

(5) least a functionary must be trustee bureau member;

(6) be like assets of need hold client, lowermost pay enough capital stock 5 million Hongkong dollar, fast use fund not under 3 million Hongkong dollar, additionally the company needs to accord with strict wind to accuse a mechanism.

In addition, card inspect still can ask least a functionary must serve as base with Hong Kong, so that control concerned business directly, when having need, card inspect is met must can run a company with asset inside least a functionary is instant on contact. Besides functionary, any public figures that run a company to manage card capital fund or have asset management activity on behalf of its all must be obtained deal become a delegate.

② personnel respect

The individual includes to be mixed about functionary if can apply for license plate to card inspect,concern the delegate that hold a card, must meet to card inspect prove its competency ability and sincere beacon , become the proper person selected that undertakes getting compasses canal activity.


The assessment that inspect of card of ③ Hong Kong meets key

Inspect of Hong Kong card is met will evaluate an applicant from 4 respects (include company or personnel) , the legislation that opposes card orgnaization and the individual of the subject orgnaization that hold a card to all must abide by respect of Wu of Hong Kong duty at the same time sets.

(1) financial standing and liquidity;

(2) record of formal schooling or other qualifications and record of service and experience, and the consideration in this respect must the property of the function that attend to applicant drafts to carry out;

(3) whether capable competent ground, honestly and undertake honestly concerned get compasses canal activity;

(4) the dovish sex of credit, character and morals, reliable degree and finance side.

The abidance after ④ exhibits property responsibility

After posses license plate, illicit collect orgnaization must maintain the qualification of proper person selected, abide by " negotiable securities and futures orders " reach its all and applicable article of accessary law exemple, and the regulations that card inspect can give out and how-to, the account that must refer classics examine and verify regularly and finance affairs declare a watch. When company certain incident or data need are changed, answer to inform Hong Kong of card to inspect is met inside specific time limit.

Come round to look from eye, conception of machine of outback illicit collect should obtain 9 license plate of Hong Kong not very easy. According to Hong Kong card inspect can set, a company wants to apply for 9 cards successfully to must bind the functionary that decides two accord with to add up to a qualification, and card inspect is met the regulation leaves when chief when the company, 9 license plate of this company subsequently invalidation, so if applies for 9 license plate fully, on one hand the controller of the company is short-term inside need to face greater qualificatory attestation pressure, on the other hand the finds the proper public figure that hold a card very hard also to serve as a company chief on the market applies for license plate; Additional as we have learned, card inspect is met to license plate extend very strict also, also have on dealing time cannot charge a sex, according to report of collect of a few illicit, now the examination of 9 license plate difficulty is greater and greater, may stricter and stricter, do not eliminate to will superintend a layer to deal henceforth the possibility that tighten up.


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