Harbor of another name for Guangdong Province two ground plate " big usu. in anticipation of or in

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :361
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Harbor of another name for Guangdong Province two ground plate " big usu. in anticipation of or in order to bring about a fall in price " Zhong Jie defeats bottom cheap to hire bulk cargo


Harbor plate is fried in sell become the order of the day, but application doorsill drops fall after a rise of your list price, obtrude intermediate shell company " piece action " bulk cargo. " astral island daily " discovery, force of close month of company of sale of plate of the harbor in having sells Shenzhen bay " low " plate, ask a price 600 thousand RMBs, more flaunt but " price difference fills after be being hired first " , the reporter that outfit of go canvassing feign buys the home is prepaid press gold 100 thousand, again the month is hired 10 thousand, money fills to buy plate by market price again inside a year. Additionally Zhong Jie bids 4500 January are hired, promote already by " fry " harbor bead bay big bridge. The near future many port list price all drops to new low, industry says frankly, zhong Jie sees prospect of card of the harbor in talking, hire with cheap then " refuse " trail of money of new port plate, more cut valence to beg carry out in succession Huang Gang, fall the traditional port plate such as Ma Zhou, join procession of big usu. in anticipation of or in order to bring about a fall in price of the whole people. Li Zhuoying of reporter Lin Ziqing
Common says in of harbor plate cross quota of car of condition illicit home, all along is intermediate shell company fry sell an object, list price more fry more more tall. But Guangdong province Public Security Department executed harbor of another name for Guangdong Province this year in April of two ground in harbor plate is new politics hind, the cost of Ling Zhongjie company soars, beard " piece action " as soon as possible bulk cargo.
" astral island daily " discovery, plate of the harbor in having sells company close month to wait in small gain, WhatsApp launch sales promotion offensive, force sells Shenzhen bay " low " plate, more show privilege period arrives only the end of this month, flaunt at the same time but " price difference fills after be being hired first " , the old client that has card of the harbor in ever was being bought discloses, the near future is ceased by Zhong Jiexun " bomb " , recommend ceaselessly with cheap trail of money of card of the harbor in hire. The reporter satisfies feign outfit to buy the home to inquire to this Zhong Jie with WhatsApp, the other side answers Fu to point to instantly, need 600 thousand RMBs only, add car and driver data, can buy brand of the harbor in Shenzhen bay port. The reporter pretends ready money is insufficient, go canvassing of Zhong Jieji add, " come down to pay an in part certainly first, obtain license plate to pay mantissa again. "

Force of close month of company of shell having second sells Shenzhen bay " low " plate, ask a price 600 thousand RMBs.

The month is hired price difference fills to buy inside 10000
The reporter hires plate to its inquiry again, zhong Jiesheng says but " price difference fills after be being hired first " , hire a car to press gold 100 thousand, again the month is hired 10 thousand, can press inside a year market price filling money buys plate at that time. Zhong Jie sees the reporter is indecisive, turn to recommend price the harbor of 500 thousand RMBs bead bay big bridge, more point to meet more privilege can offer when having a detailed discussion.
Additional, the harbor that Zhong Jie hires 4500 yuan to promote price to be eighty thousand and forty RMBs with the month bead bay big bridge plate, " hm want to buy, hire get first " . Zhong Jie installs the guest's reporter to say to feign, if but hire of capture clear annual, can follow a shop sign advocate discuss to reduce the price again. This intermediate interpose also has plate of the harbor in bay of the Shenzhen that hire carry out, the month is hired it is 9000 yuan, price is 1.1 million RMBs.
New precedent relaxes doorsill list price drops immediately
The Zhou Guojiang of old Zuo of the suitable travel that bring a car of plate of the harbor in sale points to, what can offer rent in former days is medium harbor plate belongs to the Huang Gang that has the value that hold a card more, fall the traditional port such as Ma Zhou, the sale technique that alone close month has new port plate by sell change hire, it may be said is long-unseen did not see. Not little Zhong Jieli sells harbor bead bay big bridge, he expects the plate that follows this port already " fry " about, " big bridge plate should have given the bridge cost already was to be not attracted to the guest, plate of Shenzhen bay port is obtained later relax travel big bridge, weaken appeal of big bridge plate further. "
Luo Shaoxiong of chairman of chamber of commerce of imports and exports of Hong Kong car without concealing anything character, inside travel emerge in large numbers begins before a many month oneself " after be being hired first, buy " , expect card of the harbor in saving a Public Security Department to relaxed this year in April with Guangdong files a threshold, your list price drops greatly about, " the Zhong Jie of card of the harbor in hold needs a goods remaining part urgently " refuse " , because hold the company of the card to want pay taxes every year fifty thousand and ten yuan, harbor card success rents at least has instant income to reduce cost of company battalion carry in, otherwise corrode arrives to do not have even plate method reservation to come down. "
What the near future follows Luo Shaoxiong acquaintanceship is medium harbor card intermediate uprights or hold card person, ask him to introduce a client for you in succession bear hire plate, " some just were garrisoned of inland young small look forward to is willing in old Zuo or not enough actual strength bear hire, because the uptodate cost that hire a card is decreased greatly, the person that itself did not plan to hire a card also agreed to hire. " his add points to, after be being hired first, buy promote fashion, apply at nobody dare reinvest is bought in harbor card, economy not below the circumstance of scene, conduce bring down holds the investment cost of card person.

The part sells rather do not hire but try slip out of the hand
Although the popularity inside travel is medium harbor plate " after be being hired first, buy " wait for new device, but still many Zhong Jie companies are beg " refuse " , sell rather do not hire. Adviser of interpose having second gives advertisement post article in Facebook recently, with " privilege of Shenzhen bay plate " , " the shop sign gives by July " wait to solicit. Reporter feign outfit buys the home to ask price to the other side, zhong Jie expresses, shenzhen " inside bear " old make plate, clinched a deal in June valence thirty thousand one hundred RMBs, in August of card period make plate newly be thirty thousand and thirty RMBs. Zhong Jie claims again, old the investment that makes a brand little, redound is tall, " when Shenzhen bay " 24 hours are connected close " message, not only the car hires redound to increase, list price also can appreciate at the same time. "
Ever since this intermediate interpose points out, ceng Yuyi of Shenzhen bay port 6 stop hair new card to 17 years, list price ever rose for a time at that time to 1.7 million RMBs, more threaten Shenzhen card can walk in the future harbor bead bay port of Ji Liantang of bay of big bridge, Shenzhen, Huang Gang, coverting is " one card is in mouth, 4 banks are current " , " list price needs fixed length rises long have. "
However, in harbor plate explain get policy at any time issue an order in the morning and rescind it in the evening, bring not stable element for industry. Zhou Guojiang expresses, of each port in harbor list price all sees drop situation, with the circumstance the most austere big bridge is exemple, price by the seventy thousand and fifty HK dollar of fastigium, drop actually to at present seventy thousand and twenty control to eighty thousand and twenty HK dollar, " but still nobody agree to receive money " ; Shenzhen bay plate criterion the 1.1 million HK dollar from peak, drop to 7, 800 thousand HK dollar; Meanwhile, because positional advantage, price grows the Huang Gang that resides perch,port plate Yi Jian cheapens, sold once upon a time 1.2 million to 1.3 million HK dollar, near future price already fell wear million HK dollar.
Big bridge half price 270 thousand still lack make inquires
The travel of buying and selling of plate of the harbor in be familiar with mies wife homogeneous phase is believed, the plate policy that outback place makes will heal hasten wide Zuo , the difficulty that proper motion of the person that drive in the future gets a card may not is too tall, because of price of plate of the harbor in this influence. Zhou Guojiang speak bluntly, travel wife has perspective of card of the harbor in seeing not Anacreontic, try to sell at hand the license plate that go up in succession, new old card advocate cavalcade of all devoted undersell, part with in harbor card still has lease to regard as catchpenny, also some notting hesitate to " bright hand " plate of Huang Gang port buys a depreciation to come 800 thousand HK dollar, wu is begged as early as possible " bulk cargo " stop corrode, makings undersell circumstance will last.
Of lotus pond port in harbor plate is regarded as last a ready source of money, list price of alone industry anticipation escapes hard from beginning to end drop situation.
The lotus pond port of the be open to traffic end this year, harbor plate close month is lifted in fry wind, be in early the government is announced formally before crossing Che Shen of condition illicit home to be arranged please, already intermediate shell company sells even more of 700 thousand in harbor car " period card " , nowadays " show a shop sign " make price more be as high as million yuan, force emperor hillock port grows the list price that resides perch continuously. Luo Shaoxiong of chairman of chamber of commerce of imports and exports of Hong Kong car points to, at present of each port in in harbor plate, be obliged lotus pond port still has fry sell a case, because the market looks forward to,expect port is newer, its form a complete set is more traditional port is much, involve procedures likelihood relatively before more convenience, add this port to will be carried out " Dong Jindong goes out " traffic program principle, the person that drive by way of feel more advantageous hereat.
Although fry wind be current, but travel wife believes, lotus pond port escapes hard from beginning to end in the future the destiny that cheapen. The bridge gentleman that plate of the harbor in be familiar with sells (alias) express, every time new port is about to debut, plate fries valence to be able to rise urgently subsequently, but it is normally " valence does not have city " , be known with him, outback government has an opportunity to tighten up in harbor plate policy, fry wind in order to hit, makings list price will drop consequently.

(turn from the head net)

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