National High-Tech Enterprise Warehousing Cultivation license

Required materials:

(1) fill in the application form online in shenzhen technology business management system and provide the original paper documents of the application form printed through the system;

(2) relevant registration certificates certifying the establishment of the enterprise according to law;

(3) photocopy of id card of legal representative;

(4) intellectual property-related materials, project approval certificates, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, organization and management of research and development, and other relevant materials;

(5) the special audit reports on research and development expenses issued by the intermediary institutions published by the municipal financial department in the recent two fiscal years (the actual years of operation are less than two years) and the special audit reports on the income from high-tech products (services) in the recent fiscal year are the originals;

(6) copies of financial reports of the last two fiscal years (including balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, and the actual operating years shall be used if the actual operating years are less than two years).

(7) enterprise income tax annual returns for the last two fiscal years.

Application requirements:

(1) enterprises that have been registered in shenzhen for more than one year, have independent legal personality, and have never been recognized as national high-tech enterprises (high-tech enterprises in shenzhen within the validity period are automatically put into storage);

(2) the technology of main products (services) owned by the enterprise with intellectual property rights falls within the scope of the "key state-supported new and high technology fields";

(3) the proportion of scientific and technological personnel in the total number of employees of the enterprise in the current year shall not be less than 5%;

(iv) the ratio of the total research and development expenses to the total sales revenue of the enterprise in the recent two years meets the following requirements:

1. The proportion of enterprises with sales revenue less than 50 million yuan (including) shall not be less than 3%;

2. For enterprises with sales revenue of more than 50 million yuan and less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), the proportion shall not be less than 2%;

3. For enterprises with sales revenue of more than 200 million yuan, the proportion shall be no less than 1.5%;

(5) the proportion of the income from new and high technology products (services) in the total income of the enterprise in the previous year shall not be less than 40%;

(6) it has a certain level of research and development organization and management and a standard financial management, and it has set up an auxiliary accounting account or special account for research and development expenses;

(7) the evaluation of enterprise innovation capability shall meet the corresponding requirements.

Key support areas:

I. electronic information technology

Biology and new medical technology

Aerospace technology

New material technology

High-tech service industry

New energy and energy-saving technologies

Resources and environmental technologies

Transformation of traditional industries by new and high technologies

National high and new technology enterprise cultivation plan policy

(1) establishing a national incubator for new and high technology enterprises.

1. Establish the national high-tech enterprise incubator, and provide research and development support to the national high-tech enterprise incubator.The scope of the subsidy is enterprises that enter the warehouse on January 1, 2016, solstice and December 31, 2020.

2. During the period of validity, the high-tech enterprises in shenzhen automatically obtain the qualification of national high-tech enterprise training warehouse warehousing enterprise (hereinafter referred to as warehousing enterprise).If the enterprise fails to apply for reidentification or fails to pass the reidentification at the expiration of the term, the qualification of the warehousing enterprise shall become invalid.

3. The municipal science and technology innovation department shall set up warehousing enterprises to review administrative services, determine the qualifications of enterprises applying for warehousing, and bring qualified enterprises into the cultivation database.

The entry standards and conditions shall be established by the municipal science and technology innovation department with reference to the "administrative measures for the recognition of new and high technology enterprises" and "guidelines for the management of the recognition and management of new and high technology enterprises" formulated by the ministry of science and technology, the ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation.

4. The term of validity of the warehousing enterprise qualification is up to three years. If the enterprise is still not recognized as a national high-tech enterprise at the expiration of the term, the qualification will become invalid and the out-of-warehouse assistance will not be granted.

5, each enterprise can only handle a warehousing, warehousing enterprises identified as national high-tech enterprises (known as "out of the warehouse enterprise") and lose the qualification of warehousing enterprises can not handle warehousing.

6. National new and high technology enterprises and enterprises that have obtained national new and high technology enterprise qualifications may not be put into storage.

(2) providing research and development subsidies to the national incubator of new and high technology enterprises

For warehousing enterprises, the proportion of 10% of the actual r&d expenditure in the year of warehousing shall be subsidized, and the subsidy exceeding 3 million yuan shall be subsidized by 3 million yuan;For outbound enterprises, the proportion of 10% of the actual r&d expenditure in the outbound year shall be subsidized, and 3 million yuan shall be subsidized if the subsidy exceeds 3 million yuan.

Enterprises that enter and leave the warehouse through cultivation in the same year may enjoy both entry and exit subsidies.

(3) to give incentives and subsidies to enterprises that have passed the accreditation of national high and new technology enterprises.

We will provide 50,000 yuan of incentive subsidies to the newly recognized national high-tech enterprises, and 30,000 yuan of incentive subsidies to the newly recognized national high-tech enterprises to compensate for the costs and expenditures incurred in special auditing and scientific research management optimization.Enterprises that have been funded out of the stock are not entitled to this award at the same time.

U2207, 22/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central, Central, H.K
+852 67643919
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