Hong Kong asset and money management business maintained driving growth 2020
On July 22, 2021
Negotiable securities and control commission of futures general affairs (card inspect is met) the findings report discovery that releases today, up to by 2020, hong Kong asset and money management business (note 1) administrative assets is pressed year rise 21% to 349, 31 billion yuan (45, 5 billion dollar) (note 2) . Group of the law that hold a card and the administrative assets that register business of the asset government that the orgnaization runs and fund adviser rise 20% to 240, 38 billion yuan, and private bank and the administrative capital fund that personal fortune runs business rise 25% to 113, 16 billion yuan.
Card inspect can invest product ministry to carry out trustee Cai Ms. Feng Yi to express: "Indebted flow into at the driving net capital 2020, adviser of the asset management of Hong Kong, fund, private bank and business of personal fortune management are recorded so that grow considerably. The coming year, consolidate Hong Kong serves as the competition ability of banner asset and money management center, still be one of jobs of first focal point that card inspect meets. Still be one of jobs of first focal point that card inspect meets..
It is second investigation (note 3) other report summary includes:
- Asset and money management business were recorded 2020 20, 35 billion yuan (2, 62 billion dollar) net capital is flowed into, 33% of government assets.
- Assets of the hold that believe Yin rises 17% to 44, 80 billion yuan (5, 78 billion dollar) .
- The main fund source that is not Hong Kong investor to make asset and money management professional work continuously, 64% of assets of place government.
- Of asset and money management business from course of study member number rises 6% to 48, 006 people.
Be over
- Asset and money management business include inspect of adviser of asset management, fund, private bank and personal fortune management, card to be able to approbate estate to invest capital of hold of the fund that believe Yin and letter Yin . About the report summary that is second investigation, consult please appendix.
- Unless have a specification additionally, otherwise all amount all with HK dollar plan, and all comparison the number is to press year of computation (namely 2019 with compared 2020) . The amount that with the dollar the row shows presses changeover of current rate of exchange therefore.
- Share 942 orgnaizations to participate in card inspect this year the meeting is annual for a time " asset and investigation of money management activity " , the card jail that includes to pursue asset management and fund adviser business in the center can hold the card law group, bank that is engaged in asset management, private bank and personal fortune running business, ground " insurance byelaw " the registered inspect that be not card can hold a card insurance company and person sufferring Yin .

Newer finally date on July 22, 2021
(Turn from inspect of Hong Kong card message of meeting government website)