Cross orgnaization superintend and director to guide the group announces to advance Hong Kong green a

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :359
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

On July 15, 2021

Green and can last finance crosses orgnaization superintend and director to guide group (note 1) (superintend and director guides group) now (on July 15) announce to finish focal point of one phases work, can last with advancing its to consolidate Hong Kong is mixed in green the politic plan of the lead position of financial side and assist financial ecosystem to march toward carbon to counteract. Superintend and director guides the working key of the group is be announced related climate and can last opportunity of market of report, carbon and new the green that hold water and can last financial center (center) .

Be announced related climate and can report continuously

Promoting all walks of life 2025 or before the process field that makes climate change report according to the frame that finance affairs shows working party related climate, superintend and director guides the group supports international finance affairs to report criterion foundation (note 2) the international below administer can expand criterion board continuously, new bid is drafted on the base that finance affairs shows working party frame related climate. Negotiable securities and control commission of futures general affairs (card inspect is met) trade with Hong Kong reach settle accounts all bounds company (Hong Kong bourse) will report blue print of formulate of bureau and collaboration of consortium of Hong Kong accountant with finance affairs, evaluate the executive program with new bid and feasible research.

Carbolic market opportunity

Chinese inland and main and overseas market devote oneself to to march toward green, low carbon is awaited compatibly suit model economy, anticipate carbolic market will greet the whole world to showing growth. Hong Kong regards international finance as the center, have distinctive place, can develop those who lead to outback portal is strategical part, be in harmony connects capital to support a country to realize carbon to neutralize a goal.

To grasp this opportunity, superintend and director guides the group already held water to be able to hold the position of the group of carbolic market specific responsibility of couplet seat chairman with Hong Kong bourse by card inspect, evaluate progress Hong Kong makes area carbon trade central feasibility, research deepens collaboration of area of big bay of HongKong and Macow of another name for Guangdong Province. Group of this specific responsibility will be explored actively domestic and international " limitation and trade " carbolic market and the opportunity that market of freewill sex carbon brings.

Green and can last financial center

Superintend and director guides the group announces to hold water now green and can last financial center, the risk that awaits change in order to help morale of financial industry government to bring grasps relevant opportunity. This center is one crosses a bound to fasten platform, be in charge of planning as a whole the person that finance superintends orgnaization, relevant government sector, industry to hold a share and academic orgnaization are grooming, the job of research and policy formulate respect, also will build a resource, data and the knowledge base that analyse a tool at the same time, supportive industry grows mode transition to what can last more.

Superintend and director guides the group thinks talent and data belong to the Geng that should catch preferential attention to farmland. For this, this center already established working party (note 3) responsible formulate strategy and blue print, groom in order to promote talent and skill, build data to store library and ability of promotion data analysis. Working party is when formulate proposal, ask of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale other the opinion of the person that hold a share. If be about to understand more information to reach with central contact, press this please.

Superintend and director guides the group will continue to advance the other guideline that its announce in politic in December 2020 plan, include to participate in international to be able to last the job that financial platform classifies catalog respect in green, reach promote the circumstances that attachs most importance to a dot with climate to analyse.

Superintend and director guides inspect of chairman of group couplet seat, card meets a CEO Oudali (Ashley Alder) express:

" Hong Kong regards international finance as the center, developing the risk field that can last to because climate changes,finance is opposite with answering and be brought, within the area down to whole world is taking on important role. Hong Kong can pass through accept of first whole world but durative mark , report a respect to produce leading effect in climate thereby, ensure investor can master consistent, comparable with reliable data, let them understand its to invest the climate risk that combination faces, and they are discharging the rate that offers financing for carbon. "

Superintend and director guides management board of banking of chairman of group couplet seat, Hong Kong (golden canal bureau) president Yu Weiwen expresses:

" the mark with devoid unified whole world, and the limitation of talent skill and data, it is Hong Kong and even global green are mixed can last the major obstacle that finance develops. Superintend and director guides the group is dedicated to coordinating all circles inside Hong Kong and area to answer these challenges jointly all the time, can continue to explore the development latent capacity that includes the field such as capital market and carbolic market, hold green transition to bring enormous opportunity. As the center hold water, we hope to provide a central platform, make policy constitutor, finance professional personage, scholar and other can more thorough ground communicates the person that hold a share and cooperate. "

Green and can last finance crosses orgnaization superintend and director to guide group

On July 15, 2021

Be over


  1. Superintend and director guides the group held water in May 2020, by gold tubal bureau and card inspect meet collective leader, the member includes bourse of general affairs of finance and economics and environmental bureau, library Wu bureau, Hong Kong, insurance to superintend bureau and mandatory accumulation fund plans management board. Superintend and director guides the group published his in December 2020 long-term and politic plan and guideline, aim to coordinate the climate of financial industry and environmental risk management, accelerate Hong Kong green and can last financial development, the climate that supports a government is politic.
  2. International is financial criterion foundation is the public interest orgnaization that a blame seeks profit, establishing a goal is the accountant that formulate whole world approbates ─ of criterion ─ " international finance affairs reports criterion " , and promotion and accept of stimulative industry concern criterion. The COP26 U.N. climate that international can develop plan of criterion board to will be held in Gelasige in November 2021 continuously holds water before metabolic conference.
  3. The member list of concerned working party consults please accessory.

Green and can last member of financial center working party

Skill grooms working party:

  • Luck is silver-colored (couplet seat chairman)
  • University of Hong Kong science and technology (couplet seat chairman)
  • The Oriental asset that collect put in order runs Hong Kong limited company
  • French east collects manage bank
  • Harbor of Hong Kong number runs limited company
  • Association of banking of Hong Kong green
  • Feng Renshou is safe (international) limited company
  • Peaceful adds insurance limited company
  • University of Hong Kong Chinese
  • Hong Kong insurance couplet is met
  • Hong Kong total chamber of commerce
  • Hong Kong university

Data working party:

  • Beautiful flag group (couplet seat chairman)
  • Hong Kong insurance couplet is met (couplet seat chairman)
  • Beijing green finance and can develop an academy continuously
  • Bei Laide
  • Peng Bo
  • Life of person of Heng Anbiao (Asia) limited company
  • Harbor of Hong Kong number runs limited company
  • Association of banking of Hong Kong green
  • Labour silver-colored Asia
  • Kun Shilan is safe (Hong Kong) limited company
  • Hong Kong total chamber of commerce
  • University of Hong Kong science and technology
  • Hong Kong university

Newer finally date on July 15, 2021

(Turn from inspect of Hong Kong card message of meeting government website)

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