Card inspect can conclude with superintendency orgnaization of Canadian negotiable securities financi

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :336
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Card inspect can conclude with superintendency orgnaization of Canadian negotiable securities financial science and technology cooperates agreement

On July 8, 2021

Negotiable securities and control commission of futures general affairs (card inspect is met) with association of administration of Canadian negotiable securities (Canadian card canal is met) 8 members sign an agreement to establish framework of collaboration of financial science and technology (note 1 reach 2) .

The Canadian card canal that signs this agreement meets a member save control commission of negotiable securities general affairs generally to install respectively (Ontario Securities Commission) , money market management board (Quebec is saved) (Bec) of é of S Financiers (Qu of é of Autorit é Des March) , British Colombia saves control commission of negotiable securities general affairs (British Columbia Securities Commission) , Aerbaida.

According to this agreement, card inspect can be in charge of conference member to will be shared in information with afore-mentioned Canadian card reach the respect such as bilateral innovation function to spread out collaboration (note 3) .

Card inspect meets CEO Mr Oudali (Mr Ashley Alder) express: "This arrangement mirrors card inspect to be able to continue to be dedicated to strengthening the superintendency cooperation with a person of same business, the innovation that promotes financial service develops. We expect with Canadian card the canal can concern a member to cooperate cheek by jowl, share experience and information each other, in order to support the communication of superintendency orgnaization of innovation company and whole world. In order to support the communication of superintendency orgnaization of innovation company and whole world..

Canadian card canal meets chairman and president of money market management board hold presiding apparitor Louis Morisset concurrently to express: "Card inspect is promoting development fair, businesslike reach side of transparent course of study of financial science and technology, taking on backbone part. To can cooperating with this meeting, we especially glad. Depend on this cooperation, be located in each to already registered innovation company of relevant area to be in organic meeting what grow increasingly get compasses pipe manage on the market. Be located in each to already registered innovation company of relevant area to be in organic meeting what grow increasingly get compasses pipe manage on the market..

Signing this agreement is afterwards card inspect can establish agency of contact of financial science and technology and Canadian card to provide the another move that can superintend sandbox hind at was being established in Feburary 2017 in March 2016 (note 4 reach 5) .

Be over


  1. Association of administration of Canadian negotiable securities (Canadian Securities Administrators) it is the syndicate that by Canada the negotiable securities of each province and area superintends orgnaization place to comprise.
  2. This cooperation agreement already was signed on June 30, 2021, publish meet at card inspect website.
  3. According to this agreement, innovation function points to the special function that creates by the authority concerned, jie thinks the finance of local market serves innovation development to offer assist.
  4. Card inspect can establish agency of contact of financial science and technology in March 2016, jie communicate in order to strengthen with what be engaged in the company of development of financial science and technology and application and personage in Hong Kong. The end that creates agency of contact of financial science and technology is to assist industry of financial science and technology to understand active superintendency system, and the development that allows card inspect to be able to tighten science and technology of gild be in harmony to be in Hong Kong.
  5. Canadian card canal can roll out superintendency sandbox in July 2018, jie thinks seek the company that rolls out innovation product, service and applied form and personage to offer assist. This measure aims to promote concerned company and personage to be able to use innovation product, service and applied formula in Canadian each district, ensure investor gets proper safeguard at the same time.

Newer finally date on July 8, 2021

(Turn from inspect of Hong Kong card message of meeting government website)

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