The person holding a card that how applies for to make license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :307
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

The person holding a card that how applies for to make license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance CE Or RO

Before entering a text, introduce next setting simply first. Hold card person CE, namely the abbreviate of Chief Executive, outside the CEO that divides literal meaning, the company that CE is more important is insurance broker company holds card person. Because license plate of broker of Hong Kong insurance returns to Hong Kong to keep watch now,meeting IA manages, CE changes now become RO (Responsible Officer) .

If want to enter insurance or negotiable securities field, need to invite the CE that accords with aptitude or RO to represent a company, have the application of license plate to corresponding superintendency orgnaization. After license plate is taken, will be in charge of day-to-day operation reaching by CE and RO ensure the company satisfies license plate requirement. Among them, as each country superintendency branch takes seriously to AML more and more this year, the centre of gravity of one big job of CE and RO is to close compasses.

At present insurance is superintended bureau (IA) preparing level, dealing main body still is industry self-discipline organization, it is association of broker of insurance of Hong Kong major respectively (PIBA) with adviser of Hong Kong insurance couplet is met (CIB) , and the flow approving a brand of two association differs somewhat. Of the article share those who come from PIBA the experience about changing CE, as to new company application license plate is reached increase ACE (Assistant Chief Executive) , although what need archives to differ somewhat, but the content of whole technological process and interview very much the same.

Does below assorted one circumstance need change CE? The reason nature with the commonnest associate with is predecessor should go, that has to have new personality to receive. If among join bad, occurrence vacuum period, card note is suspended, license plate stopped, business nature also cannot be begun. The Kang Hong incident that discuss is heated up in the city recently, IA already intervened, emphasize insurance device must by " proper person selected " operation. After prospective IA take-overs, believe to be able to have brand-new dealing system, also meet to the requirement of CE taller and taller.

Application material has

To the aptitude of CE, PIBA basically inspects the industry of candidate and administrative experience, what need archives list to be able to download in government-owned net, this Xuan carries key specification:

Xu of imperscriptible solution of PIBA textual Vs reads Dao

Copy Of Employment Contracts/letters, confirmation Letters For Promotion (where Applicable) , as Well As Job Reference Letters, job Specifications And/or Any Official Documentary Proof With Job Titles, tenure Of Office And Job Duties

- the working contract of associate with

- the position that associate with works / proof rising job

- the experience of associate with work inside recommendation needs to include industry experience and experience of two years of management at least 5 years

- the working content that when recommendation needs detailed description to hold the position of administrative layer, is in charge of

- recommendation needs company letter paper to look up, had better come from HR or directly under boss

- associate with pursues much home company, need the recommendation of every company

- leave one's post longer, obtain hard really, can be the same as reason of PIBA written specification

Minimum Three Reference Letters From Referees, holding Senior Management Position In Different Insurers, bearing Insurers ' Letterhead And Signed Off Within 6 Months Prior To The Application

- the recommendation of at least 3 insurance company (original)

- if insurance broker company has GI card, the insurance company that needs to have card of GI of a hold at least writes recommendation

- how to take recommendation to each shows special prowess, but spoken parts in an opera is to look associate with and there is how many business in the future, still have professional personal integrity of course

Copies Of In-house Profit&Loss Account And Balance Sheet Of The Applying Company With Month Ended 2 Months ' Time Prior To The Application

- financial forms for reporting statistics and audit report especially ANV, if have doubt, it is clear to must ask (you also do not want to to the home interrogative company holds a card)

- when interview, may ask

- the circumstance that proposal and accountant attend a meeting to understand a company to go in detail

Organisation Chart, including All Director(s) And Controller(s) Of The Company And Each Holding Company, if Any

- if trustee and partner have outback background, when interview, the likelihood should explain one time

- be like hold of off shore company, the framework is layer upon layer, the likelihood should explain one time well

Receive confirm a letter
Wait for archives to refer, about two weeks control secretariat incoming telegram, submit the word that material is no problem, can communicate when interview (it is commonly the 2nd week one of these day) , electric mail goes out to confirm a letter formally. Affirm the letter is very brief, but very important, the Geng that points to clear interview is surrounded (basically be Chapter 41) .


Reception checks after Id and file, wait for a secretary to come out to get assembly room. The pattern of interview is a pair 4, interview official sits on. At that time In mine is two chairman, committee members, add a secretariat controller. The room of interview is not big, but board is particularly wide, gutty the illusion that need just can hear on loud speech.

Self introduction of the first part

The secretary introduces the purpose of this interview, the to becoming CE qualification inside Chapter41 sets, ask self introduction specification how to accord with these requirements.

Basically capture a few to nod: Experience into travel time, industry, when to promote to a high office administrative layer and the main job during holding the position of management.

Answering question of the 2nd part

The secretary asked about 20 questions around Chapter41, include NAV, CPD, AML to wait a moment.

Experience of industry of self-confidence of proposal nothing is more... than, be sure to make great efforts well " Wen Shu " . Best can look for the personage inside course of study, do imitate interview.

Above two parts by secretary dominant, mark changes technological process.

Interlocution of freedom of the 3rd part

Chairman dominant, commissarial query basically works around associate with report of source of the trustee of experience, management experience, company and partner setting, trade, audit.

The current affairs that notices an answer accords with superintendency requirement surely. Be asked about at that time for instance: How does the plan guide a company to develop mainland market? Want to know, the superintendency neither of two ground allows to do the sale about harbor danger to popularize in inland, add foreign currency canal to control policy, don't you still think this is hole at all?

Interview total time about 40 minutes, among them the 3rd part is controlled 20 minutes. Allegedly, if the 2nd part answers wrong, the secretary can point out and correct, perhaps ask to offer compensatory grade, for example the company interior of AML is how-to. Interview result makes an appointment with announcement of a week mail, if passing, need to sign confirm letter, give letter next, license tag of company of PIBA official network is newer. Superintend at present transfer level, batch the card is strict.

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