License plate of popular nation exchange applies for policy check (on) : Singapore, United States and

publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00   views :310
publish:2021-08-16 00:00:00  

Be perfected as what count trade of word money exchange and develop, close compasses it is hasten of general trends place. In the industry cruel after growing, only those who hold a card add up to compasses bourse to be able to go final in competition.

Nowadays, each are big bourse already start shooting license plate contends for battle, among them the popular area that the country such as Singapore, United States, Japan, Korea, Australia contends for photograph application license plate into bourse. Bplus policy of license plate of exchange of check above nation and application doorsill, help everybody understands better and prepare license plate application.

This second check fluctuates cent piece, go up the particular case of license plate of 3 countries of a Singapore of will main introduction, United States and Japan.

License plate of popular nation exchange applies for policy check (on) : Singapore, United States and JapanSingapore pays a service license tag

Singapore " pay a service to superintend frame " (Payment Service Bill) referred congress on November 19, 2018, undertake be readinged; In the time of a month after this, congressman undertook study carefully to its. Bplus also is in the article before " heavy pound | Singapore Central Bank is referred<Pay a service act > , extend bourse license plate? " in preliminary the license plate system that analysed this one frame to fall and the industry that suffer an effect possibly.

According to MAS official net the announce January 14, after pass second reading and be discussed through congress, this one frame already by formal legislation, be named " pay a service bill " (Payment Service Act) .

This act will affect Xiao to be in more directly the digital money exchange in Singapore market, purse and OTC platform, will accuse from wind and close compasses two direction undertake be superintendencied in the round to relevant business.

Notable is, the superintendency Geng of act is surrounded is all relevant orgnaizations that there is real operation in Singapore market, and do not be confined to register the ground to be in the orgnaization of Singapore.

Be engaged in paying model the service business that digital money serves, need a basis to trade dimensions chooses application: "Mark pays an orgnaization license tag " (" SPI " ) or " large pay an orgnaization license tag " (" MPI " ) .

Bplus added up to compasses group to arrange condition of aptitude of license plate applicant in detail, include:

1.Company principal part and administrator structure ask

O company principal part: Applicant must be the Singapore branch that Singapore registers a company or the foreign country registers a company, be about to understand Singapore company to register in detail, examine please toward period article: Does assorted one say Singapore is poineering company to go to sea first selection?

O company supervises layer personnel construction: At least one carries out citizen of trustee Singapore or permanent resident; Hold of card of of job of Singapore of of an executive trustee person, and citizen of Singapore of of an executive trustee or permanent resident.

2.Company core personnel from aptitude of course of study

O industry experience: The executive director that files a company and CEO need are in pay service industry or the domain has sufficient operation experience related financial service industry.

O record of formal schooling and aptitude: The record of formal schooling of core personnel and professional intelligence letter also will become factor of serious consideration

3.This locality is permanent the office

O applicant must have permanent business to the ground is nodded or register agency (but is long-term hire) , the member that must appoint one famous person at least at the same time is handling official bussiness for a long time area is on call, any question that resolve a client with real time or complain.

4.Fundamental capital gold asks

O " mark pays an orgnaization license tag " : 100 thousand new money

O " large pay an orgnaization license tag " : 250 thousand new money

5.Need to MAS pay earnest money

O is mean monthly trade the quantity is less than 6 million new money: Pay earnest money 100 thousand new money

O other condition: Pay assures gold 200 thousand new money

Because length is restricted, about specific application technological process, can consult Bplus adds up to compasses group to go to period the detailed guideline Singapore of the article pays a service requirement of license plate application and guide of the wholest technological process

This month, singapore banking management board publishs list of exempt of PSA license plate, digital money pays a service only 4 months " amortize period " . Recently, singapore banking management board (MAS) publish the exempt company list that runs license plate about paying a service formally. The exempt that the service pays related digital money allows a side, install to include money, letter of OKCoin, BitStamp, BHEX, money, Coinbase, CoinCola, TenX, Upbit, ZB, HashKey (HashKey Hub and HashKey Tech) , nearly 200 companies such as the FEU below division of igneous money group all can be before license plate of formal make known to lower levels with exempt condition legitimate operation, digital money pays service exempt deadline to end up to now year on July 28.

In the light of offer digital money to pay square service entity (include digital money exchange to wait) , if be in,exempt period ends (on July 28, 2020) before, the enterprise has not been obtained specific pay a service licence, that one these enterprises will be prohibited be being begun in Singapore pay a service.

License plate of popular nation exchange applies for policy check (on) : Singapore, United States and Japan

American MSB license plate

MSB is the abbreviation of Money Services Business, be subordinate to belongs to FinCEN (American Ministry of finance sets orgnaization finance crime to execute the law bureau) , belong to register a license to make, be engaged in money serving relevant business to must apply for this license; Every hold MSB person, all can close in the beauty compasses begin money money to trade business, must accept later period close compasses and examine, the requirement is strict.

American MSB (Money Services Business) license plate is by FinCEN (American Ministry of finance sets orgnaization finance crime to execute the law bureau) the financial license plate that superintend and issues, canal of main put in prison serves relevant business and company to seeming money. Geng is surrounded include international remittance, foreign currency to change, the currency trades / move (include digital money / fictitious money) , 1CO is issued, offer imprest item, sign and issue the business such as traveller's check. The company of afore-mentioned relevant relevant business pursues in the United States, must Xiang Shen asks MSB license plate, ability is lawful ground operation.

March 2018, american Ministry of finance and card inspect ever can emphasize clearly, MSB is fictitious money exchange and its controller, the relevant business of digital asset pursues inside beautiful territory, MSB license plate must be registered in FinCEN. MSB license plate can help platform enter American market, organic meeting implementation is fictitious between money and dollar trade, this will be great be helpful for development of platform of area piece catenary.

Igneous money announced to obtain American MSB before (Money Services Business) license plate, pay close attention to and discuss what cause a lot of bourse, and superintend in American SEC trends as STO regulation it is mature to fall to tend gradually, the heat of MSB license plate is climbed successively litre.

FinCEN was released on March 18, 2013 " Applicationof FinCEN ' S Regualations To Persons Administering, exchanging, or Using Virtual Currencies " (" applicable personnel administers FinCEN regulation, exchange or the guideline that use fictitious money " ) , this guideline explain understands enterprise and individual to register a respect to use the requirement of fictitious money in MSB.

According to this how-to, the digital capital fund that provides a service to American " manage square " (for example asset is issued square) with " change square " (for example bourse) belong to the United States the bank is confidential act (the MSB below BSA) , need establishs 180 days of indrawn FinCEN to put forward to register in the company. Because the United States is confederative,trade to money money before layer appearance without other and specific superintendency requirement, bourse of our hep American native land mainstream is to be in the money money that begins below the premise of hold MSB only trades business.

The company begins business to must abide by federal statute to register MSB, and abide remit money even state laws and regulations also must be abided by inside mobile city, at present 53 cities and area have permissive demand, the cost of its charge basically includes to carry fee of insurance cost, application, license cost, investigation cost and other charge. Opposite for permissive requirement price is high, ask all sorts of programs continue to permit, these programs are mixed extremely strictly in executive respect time-consuming. Current, the company such as PayPal and the other big company that pursue digital money serving industry are registered in most city, but like PayPal such company has been put in quite long period of time, and have profit margin and employee team ask in order to satisfy these licenses.

As add up to rule requirement taller and taller, the legal risk management of bourse oneself also needs to rise stage by stage, relevant personnel but risk consciousness also needs to rise, admits after Bplus adds up to compasses group to ask in the application that analyses American MSB the following respects are bourse need attention.

Above all bourse needs to have inside accuse to regulation is made and be examined, include but not the license of policy of right of privacy of the user agreement of the bourse with reasonable and clear be confined to, bourse, bourse and exposure, go up money regulation, go up money examines mark data of policy, market uses the Cookies of and relevant agreement, bourse regular, market trades regulation, bourse line. This one part suggests bourse establishs him close to compasses wind accuses a group and be mixed exterior place of the law that hold a card undertakes cooperative, assure inside those who accuse regulation is rigorous with reasonable.

In addition, bourse still needs to register a company in American mainland, stock register fund, the taxation that abides by the United States and wash money policy to undertake corresponding duty Wu and capital plan instead.

In addition, on the base that has MSB, bourse increases the MTL license tag that runs each administrative divisions again (Money Transmitter License) can undertake digital money trade legally in this city business.

As we have learned, money of OKCoin, fire the license plate of the MSB license plate of federal of hold United States and a lot of city. And money installs the government to expressed in June 2019, " provide a service to any American no longer " , for a short while public opinion Zheng like that. The reason is installing the MSB license plate that did not obtain the United States at money.

License plate of popular nation exchange applies for policy check (on) : Singapore, United States and Japan

License plate of exchange of Japanese number money

2017 Japanese finance hall (FSA) issue license of operation of digital money exchange formally to first application orgnaization. Japan built digital money to trade the superintendency byelaw of business, and made clear digital money trade business operation criterion.

FSA expresses will put digital money exchange of Japan in all-around under superintendency frame, this includes assets of client of system of monitoring bourse interior, examination to protect a mechanism, and likely spot examination. At the same time FSA asks to include bit money inside digital money exchange is carried out than at present more rigid KYC policy (the aggrandizement that points to pair of account holder is examined, knowledge capital source is lawful quality, it is the system foundation that washs money to be used at preventing corruption instead) . Bourse must begin Yao to check open an account the identity of the user, trade surely record, and report to superintendency orgnaization doubtful trade.

License plate applies for to ask to include two fields. It is hypostatic framework requirement above all: Bourse needs to establish company of Japanese legal person; Office of the Japan that rent (the office) ; Staff of membership of commission Japan 3, among them the trustee of company of Japan of an employee ; Japanese company enlightened bank is right public account; Have trade normally system (do not beg Japanese edition) .

Still need to have according to of governmental data detailed list in-house wind accuses in addition file and add up to compasses file, the audit that includes professional accountant and audit office to issue, AML and KYC report. Exchange business specification, lawyer closes compasses article case to what FSA hands over, and the inquiry question that answer FSA raises.

In get digital money to trade the process of business license plate, and in the future the process that battalion carries, trade business must recruit at least 3 employee, among them catenary of money of word of a know exactly about sth, area piece or finance from setting of course of study.

The respect is safeguarded in sequel, bourse needs to ensure the normal operation of Japanese office above all, and the routine system of commission staff. Want every year to submit year finance affairs and audit report to Japanese finance hall, report content basically includes fictitious money trade quantity of detailed, client, trade volume of financing of charge of hand number, formalities, client. Obtain the fee related all operation after license plate, need by trade business pays.

Be in on March 30, europe family group announces, OKCoin Japan of the subsidiary below its banner passes Japanese finance office smoothly examine and approve, take license plate of next exchange of Japanese number money. So far, OKCoin becomes exchange of head of whole world in the first also is current exclusive one wins Japanese finance office through own application the digital money exchange that maintain. Besides OKCoin,

Money of the fire before this is in September 2018, got license plate of Japanese number money through buying the way of Japanese BitTrade bourse, opened Japan to add close money to trade from this the gate of the market. Japan can say be Chinese mainstream bourse to close accordingly compasses the ground that contends for surely.

(Turn from catenary to hear)

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